
Any ideas on how to separate office waste to get the staple wires and plastic fasteners EFFICIENTLY?

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office waste=stapled papers, fastened papers, etc. What steps should i do? Also, It should be done efficiently, like helping the environment and not actually causing more pollution to recycle..=))




  1. burn it

  2. recycle is the best way

  3. If you are taking your paper products to the Victoria Recycling center on Huvar no longer have to separate the staples from papers. As a teacher who recycles, this was a major pain. The group that now takes their paper recyclables has the mechanical technology to separate the staples from the papers. Hope this helps.

  4. If you are recycling the paper, just rip off the stapled corner and throw it away. You still recycle a lot of paper that way. No idea how to separate the staple or other fastener easily.

  5. In most recycling processes, the paper is re-pulped in tanks of water. Staples, clips, spiral bindings, and such sink to the bottom and the pulp is raked off the top. No problem.

  6. either buy the machines that do it or do it by hand.

  7. there are machines made for that . google it.

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