
Any ideas on how to stop cutting?

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I don't know what to do when i get mad.So i cut myself sometimes.i have been trying to stop.i do good some time.till i get mad.Is there anybody that got good ideas if so plesae tell me.i need it.




  1. i had the same problem a while back, and when i was trying to stop i did loads of stuff, like someone else said, exercise, i used to go little walks to take my mind off of things and get some fresh air, and then when i returned i felt alot more calmer..

    i also, like someone else suggested, used ice cubes, but for me, personally it didnt help.

    i think the thing that really helped me was music, i listened to all my favourite bands which really helped me calm down..

    if you feel there is someone personal or close like your mom or gran or whoever, who you feel you can talk to you should really do your best to ask for help...

    hoped i helped :)

  2. Um... Just say no to cutting? Do something constructive instead of deconstructive. There is something wrong with people who cut on a normal basis. Maybe some anger management would do you some good, or a good friend or a professional.  I dated a girl who cut and for me there was no bigger red flag than the marks on her arm. Cutting form some people is like a drug it just seems like an easy way out in the sort term and it can be hard to beat without someone by your side.

  3. Get a butter-knife using the dull end

    every time you get mad and want to cut, just move the butter-knife in a manner of cutting yourself, and just take a deep breath lay back and imagine the blood flow. Even though its not there, its still effective and a much more healthy way of relieving stress.  

  4. Most people who self-harm need professional help to stop - please see a doctor or a counsellor. People use self-harm as a coping method, and the only real way to stop self-harming is to replace it with healthier coping methods.

    You could try:

    Holding ice or snapping an elastic band against yourself - it still causes pain and it doesn't address the real problem, but it is safer.

    Exercise - go for a run when you want to cut, and that will help.

    Listen to music - sit on your bed, away from ANYTHING you could use to hurt yourself. Turn the music up loud, put it on repeat, and sit very still and breathe deeply until the urge is gone.

  5. I used to cut a lot last year. I still do sometimes. What I did was listen to music. I also wrote a lot, typically about my feelings and how pissed off I was. You just need to relax. Go into your bedroom. Try just laying down in your bed and listen to music that you can relate to, or just really calm music. I listen to the band Say Anything, or screamo, because, usually, when I cut, I feel like screaming. Close your eyes and don't think about anything bad. Or, you could try other calming things like yoga or something. Watch TV. Talk to someone about it if you really can't stop.. Like, a friend.

                        I know that when you cut, the crappy feelings you have completely leave you. But everytime you look at your cut, it will probably make you feel ashamed of yourself. That's never good. Oh, you should try running, and pretend the ground your running on is the person you are mad at. I know it sounds insanely stupid, but it works. What you really need to do is find a calm hobby to do when you feel like cutting.

  6. work out.

    like intense excersize

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