
Any ideas on how to teach this concept, "We Thank God, our Father, Every Day of Our Lives" to K1 students?

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Unfortunately, this topic is from a not child-friendly book... i have to teach that concept for 2 days for an hour. I don't know a lot of Christian songs for children. Please suggest any ideas for activities, games, songs, dances, websites relating to the topic PLEASE! I would really appreciate your cooperation ^__^




  1. You can have children cut out pictures from magazines that represent what they are thankful for, glue them onto construction paper, and then laminate them and use them for placemats. There is a book that comes with a music CD that is called My Thank-You Bible. Every page in the book is about what children can be thankful for, and on the CD there are songs that are tuned to other songs that the kids may already know! My kids LOVE it! You can also have the children go around the room and say why they are thankful for each friend in the room. Example: I am thankful for Emily because she always helps me clean up. Have them be specific! I hope this helps. There are some websites that may help you out there. Try googling lesson plans for Thanksgiving and that may turn you in the right direction! Have a wonderful day!

  2. I have to agree with the Captain

    Cant you just teach them Nursery rhymes

  3. Why would you want to indoctrinate poor innocent children with this rubbish?

    Its a form of child-abuse.

  4. maybe you could ask each of them to list say 3 things they like every day. (maybe even direct it outdoors), you could add to list 3 things they need every day too. Then compare the thoughts, and after exploring them a bit, tell them these are blessings.  That God is where we get these things. If you could figure an added way to instill not everyone has these things without making it appear God has favortisim that might be nice too.

    If you want to make a game of it, have them do this in two groups of 3's, and then make piles or have a designated child hold each group and the entire class together decide which group they go into and why. You could even then use the piles as a visual to see how much each was blessed with......

    Another game that may be fun, is to have a paper made thorn crown. Draw a name each day to see who wears it. When being the person wearing the crown, you get to be first in line and lead the other children in specific activites. However you have to also be the one who reads the verves to the people. Have a selection of simple verses to choose from. It will help them to recall their own verses. If they are to young to read them, they can choose verses you will read. If they lead 3 times per day that is 3 verses incooperated into the day and they are given from the person respresenting Jeus with the crown................... Or EVEN BETTER.....the person with the crown can be your "special helper" as thats what Jesus would do! In fact that could be the title of your game. ANd use a gold crown rather than wreath if thats better?

    You could make paper turkeys for the holiday and on each have the children write or paste a picture of the things they are thankful for on each feather.

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