
Any ideas on science projects for kinder-gardeners to present?

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My daughter is only five going on six next month and in december she needs to get ready for the science fair. I don't think it's mandatory but it would be nice that if anyone knows of a project simple enough for her to do and esplain I can work with her on it and be the littlest one presenting as project. any ideas are great as long as you go a little bit into detail so that I know what to do.




  1. how about a foaming volcano. if you mix baking soda, washing up liquid and vinegar. they foam up. she could help you make a volcano out of paper mache and paint it. good luck

  2. Anything with ice ive been doing that since preschool.

  3. My son is doing little science projects for his first grade class but I can't remember the name of the books the teacher has.  You could do something like a demonstration of gravity or make the little phones out of cups and string to show how sound travels. There is also this website that has some neat simple projects.  My son loves the one where you show the magnetic field.

  4. You could have her mix up a batch of homemade pay dough.  Kids love getting their hands into things.  Just bring a smock.  You could make up a batch ahead of time so there is  enough for everyone to play with.   I found this recipe on line...I hope you have fun!!  The following recipe is a big batch recipe. It is intended to be enough for a party or group of kids and makes about ten cups of play dough—the equivalent of twelve commercial Play Doh ® containers. If you want a smaller batch, divide the recipe in half. If you are having a really big party and want more play dough, make two batches--this recipe is about all that can be made in a stand-type mixer at one time. You can also make this play dough by hand.

    If you want multiple colors, divide the dough and knead in the food coloring after the dough is made. If one color is sufficient, add the food coloring with the water and save the step of kneading in the coloring.

    7-8 cups all-purpose or bread flour

    3 cups salt

    3 tablespoons cream of tartar

    1/4 cup vegetable oil

    4 cups hot water

    food coloring

    Mix seven cups of flour together with the salt and cream of tartar in the bowl of your stand-type mixer. Add the oil and water and knead with a dough hook in your electric stand-type mixer for five to six minutes. (If you are kneading by hand, knead for eight to ten minutes.) Add more flour to

    get a soft, workable dough.

    Store the dough in a sealed container to keep it from becoming dry. If it becomes too dry, place it back in the mixer bowl and knead in a dribble of water.

    Good luck!

  5. How about something with balloons, or helium..... or you can do a small project on symbiotic realtionships such as the plankton that feed off of whales teeth. She can do a poster showing the plankton cleaning the whales teeth and them rubbing their bellies being satisfied with the meal.

  6. try 4 mentos with a whole bottle of diet coke or diet pepsi BUT DO THIS OUTSIDE AND ON SUNNY DAYS

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