
Any ideas...?

by  |  earlier

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Any ideas of how the title of this poem relates to it? I really don't know. It's called "Pulse Hypnotics."

In through one side,

Out through the other.

Metal in, blood out.

Look down, pass out.

A coma before your blackout is

Influenza before your crime -

You’ve been given time to save yourself.

A white room, a white bed.

White clothes…

The deed is undone.

Try again today and succeed,

Try tomorrow and fail.

Nothing’s as bad as it seems,

But it is.

Trust yourself, but

Throw yourself away.

It’s not wanted.

In through one side -

Metal in, put in,

Out through the other -

There’s no more bleeding,

There’s no more me.

* Your interpretation would be nice, too.




  1. um i don't really know how to interpret the title. well.... at least explain it. but it can mean two different things:

    #1 the person tried to commit suicide and was put into an insane asylum to protect them. but the problem was too deep and they killed themself once they got out.

    #2 a person so depressed that they resorted to cutting and was put in a room where they could think things over so they would stop. (basically another institute) but when they got out again, they cut again, and this time, it was so bad that they died.

    or even

    #3 the person stabbed themself to death.

    (i know, i'm being a little bit morbid but it still is a really good poem. keep up the good work)

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