
Any ideas to write a story on?

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im thinking of writing a book or short story or something. i have before, but i want to write another, but i can't think of any ideas. all i want is something to spark my mind it doesn't even have to be an idea just maybe some words or something (the more deatails the better tho). answers would be appriciated =]




  1. I dunno, I can never think of anything usually because I think all my ideas are dumb. You should just go with whatever you think of because its your idea.

  2. Google a story generator or a word generator and write short stories based on them. It usually sparks my creativity.

    Edit: Okay, to actually answer your question... This is TOTALLY RANDOM. You don't have to do it; if you do, it can be a short story, a parody or a novel or whatever.

    -A naiad who hates werewolves falls in love with a vampire who is best friends with the werewolf. (Substitute any mythical creature if you wish.) Include objects such as an oddly-shaped stone, a cellphone, an orange and a hairbrush.

    Have at it.

    It'll either spark your creativity like no other or be like stabbing it with a pencil. =D

  3. challenge: try to include all of the following in the first chapter:

    a medium sized winnebago or other RV

    penguins (at least five)

    seventeen bushels of apples

    something battery-operated

    muffins (your choice, but i like newspaper flavored ones.)

  4. teenage lovestory :)

    boy meets girl :)


  5. A young woman gets an e-mail- looks like spam and deletes it. A few days later another- from the same person. She deletes it. This continues and she begins to believe that this is her dead father (boyfriend, husband, friend etc). because in each new message there are things in the e-mail that make her realize that this person knows her very very well.

  6. Love story =)

  7. Here are some sites that have story prompts:

    I actually have these bookmarked so that when I want to write but can't think of what to write about I have easy access to story prompts.

    Another suggestion would be to update a classic myth or fairy tale.  There's a collection of short stories that I read called Half Human and all the stories about kids who aren't completely human.  In one of the stories this girl learns that her mother is a gorgon when she wakes up and a head full of snakes has replaced her hair.  Here's a couple of sites that have info on different myths:

    The only other idea I have is a little out there and I've thought about writing it myself but haven't gotten around to it.  

    Basically flowers become self aware (sorry can't spell the word I'm looking for but that basically describes it) and at first they're honored that people have been naming there children after them.  As time progress some of the lesser know flowers start to realize that most people aren't aware of the connection and that it's possible there is no connection at all.  As a result they start attacking people who share their name so that there name (i.e. Heather) will only be associate with the plant.  As time progresses more flowers join the crusade and decided that humans are not worthy of sharing their names with plants.  

    That's as far as I got with it but here's website that can help you with the name thing if you decide you want to write it:

    Not knowing your or your interests makes it a little hard to be able to give your more specific ideas but those sites have helped me in the past.  Hope they help you.

  8. well the type of stories that are popular are kind of scary so maybe something on that note what are you afraid of?

  9. you want random words rather than a plot? Awesome. I'm sick of giving ideas away.

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