
Any ideas what I can do with my guests the day after my wedding?

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My guests are coming from all over the place- London, France, Poland, Sweden, South Africa etc. and I feel awful not spending more time with them.

I don't want to do anything that involves much more organisation on my part.

I was thinking of something like going to Alton Towers but it is expensive and I dont want hungover people feeling uncomfortable on all the rides!!!

The wedding is in North Wales - any ideas?




  1. It's very considerate of you but I think they'll want to relax.

    Talk to your family that lives local and have them go on a brunch and then some light walking around and dinner.

    Make little travel guides with maps and popular attractions close to their hotel so they can wander around if they choose to.

    You'll want that day with your husband and everyone will understand that. At most, you can meet all for dinner.

  2. I am sure the day after your wedding people will want to relax and lay low. Maybe just go out to lunch or dinner. Nothing too early in the morning, people will be tired from the night before.

  3. Just take them out for a brunch.

  4. We are having a destination wedding, we are having anyone who can come or doesn't have an early flight out go to breakfast and then church, just something easy, people can sit an eat breakfast chat about the wedding or whatever and we get to spend sometime with the guests!

  5. Set up a simple brunch at the hotel where they are all staying (or where most are staying).  Just muffins and stuff, so they can drop in whenever.  Make sure there are brochures and maps about the local area there.  Then let them figure it out.  People don't expect to be babysat the day after a wedding, they're adults and they'll figure out how to spend their time.  You don't even need to make an appearance, it's not expected, spend the day alone with your new spouse.  You'll be exhausted anyway.

  6. How about just a nice morning-after brunch where you can visit with all the people who came to see you get married?  The wedding day itself will be crazy and hectic, and you might not get to spend as much one-on-one time with your friends and relatives as you would like, so a nice post-wedding brunch would be the perfect opportunity to hang out with them in a casual, laid-back way.

  7. let them go do some exploring on there own. that way the hung over ones can get some coffee and an advil when ever they decide to get out of bed.

  8. Provide some siteseeing information, some restaurant info, let them chill, and do what they want.

    some people have a little next day breakfast brunch at home for the out of townwers and the immediate families and wedding party, but it seems like a lot of trouble, and I can't imagine that food is tops on anyones list, after a night of drinking.

    Don't worry, you are supposed to be on your honeymoon, that's your out.

  9. They won't be expecting you to spend time with them.  You just got married - you should be in bed or heading on your honeymoon!  Keep in mind that this is a vacation for them, so they'd probably just appreciate laying low and hanging out and enjoying the area.

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