
Any ideas what i could put in a speech I'm writing for Christmas day?

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Any ideas what i could put in a speech I'm writing for Christmas day?




  1. tell your guests about your "horrible a**s" as youve done before im sure this will delight your followers

  2. Open with this joke:

    "Before you start that turkey you bought, i want £4 for every tiny bone you find in it!"

    *no body laughs*


    "Hey i got a joke for you, watch me squeeze my thigh together and ill make hard earned tax payers money come out"

  3. How about deciding to abdicate?  Most 81 year olds are retired.

  4. Happy Christmas.Dont make it too long,I want my dinner.

  5. Try this. Monarchy is a concept that belongs in the past. Don't you all think we'd be better off living in a truly democratic country, a republic with an elected head of state?

    Just an idea.

  6. Do a Di Joke, she's been dead 10 years so it'll be funny

  7. Open with a joke.

  8. Maybe a little sing song with some rappers would make a change.  A

  9. A blessing for your people and for your whole country ...when God is present ...everything goes start and end well...

  10. smoke one of harrys special ciggys and it will come flowing

  11. Abolish all religion then we may all live in peace for once!!!!

  12. I think Ma'am it might be a good idea to let people know whether you intend continueing as monarch orare you going to abdicate in favour of Charles. There are some very odd rumours flying around these days.

  13. Yes tell the "WORKING" people you are going to make next year a "TAX  FREE" one, and make us all happy :-)

  14. same as always M'am you do very well~

  15. Just talk about the late and lovely Princess Diana and her best friend Rory Emerald.

  16. Keep it short and to the point Mam, I like to watch the Eastenders Christmas special and have my turkey dinner by about 4pm. Also you could have Philip on screen as well with you, he is a bit of a loose canon so could be fun!

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