
Any independents out there?

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and what is swaying you one way or the other?




  1. For me it comes down to the last 8 years have been a disaster, so there is no way I'll reward the GOP to lead 4 more years with my vote.

  2. Obama rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I just can't put my finger on it.  I don't like McCain either. I actually do like the info I have found on Palin so far. We'll see. I'll be undecided until Nov. 4th.  

  3. I was one for over 45 years, I am now a registered Democrat.

    Since the PNAC destroyed the GOP, I refuse to vote republican.

  4. Looking at the candidates' qualifications, education, legislative and 'life' experience, and most recently, their choice of VP running mates. brings me to the inevitable conclusion that McCain is really McSame, McBush or McPain. His choices and decision-making fumbles are scary. And the thought of a vanilla Barbie being just a heartbeat away from "Job No.1" is frightening.

    I liked Biden a long time ago, as imperfect as he is. And I've grown to like Obama. I respect McCain's POW/war experience (I'm a Vietnam vet, too) BUT: that doesn't automatically qualify him to be Prez. Sorry, John, I'm voting Obama/Biden.

    IF -- if -- Obama screws up, I'll have a chance to remedy that in 4 years. But I think Obama's on the right path. As with ALL politicians, I will listen to what they say, carefully, but will be watching what they DO even more carefully.

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