
Any info for any paranormal activity in my local hospital?

by Guest44912  |  earlier

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I have heard stories of paranormal activity at an old hospital that has been turned into an retired apartment building, it is in olympia, washington. It is st. peters hospital, (the old one ) I beleive the new one was built in the early seventees, for I was born in the old one in 1970, any help would be great.




  1. There is a good chance that there is paranormal activity happening in the hospital. It quite common due to the high emotions of the people there. Think of how many people have been in pain, sick, dying, behind those walls. And think of all the families that would have visited under stress, fear, worry etc. Then add those who worked there as well.

    Because of the high emotions it draws entities to the site not to mention those who pass on while there who may not be ready to go - or get confused.

    Due to the nature of the business its almost impossible to investigate and research - since hospitals run 24/7. However many have documented stories that may be of interest to you.

    I'm not familiar with hauntings in Washington State, however I did find some information.

    Below is a link to the Washington State Ghost Society's website which will have links to investigations etc in Washington. If they don't have anything posted on their website, feel free to contact them and ask about St. Peters. I am sure they will be very happy to talk with you, and share what they know.

    I hope that helps.


  2. I would be interested in talking to you more about St. Peter's, as we also have a pending investigation at another location in Olympia.

    I am the co-founder of a paranormal group in Washington State.

  3. Here is a link to the new hospital.

    You can contact some one there to find the old one.

    I have known lots of people who work in hospitals and they are all haunted.  A good friend just started working in the pharmacy at a local hospital.  It is in the basement where the morgue was before.  And because he is the new guy he works the night shift.  He said to me the other day that he never really believed in ghosts until he started working there.  Now he sees them all the time,  they just stand around looking at him do his work. They fade in and fade out and some times move around the place.

  4. Try advertising in the local press. Many workers there may still be in retirement and be willing to talk to you.

    My partner used to be a ward manager, and even the more modern hospitals are haunted.

    One story she gave me was of an old woman who kept looking in this guys locker/cupboard and going through his drawer of stuff. He complained to various members of staff, but it was the ghost of a woman that a couple of the nurses recognised from the description. How could they tell him that?

  5. I suspect there are paranormal activities at most hospitals especially the older ones since people do pass away there and since some do not know that they're deceased, they will be lurking around.  A psychic such as James Van Praagh would be able to tell you alot about what activities is happening there and why.





  6. I looked around but couldn't find anything.  Sorry.  Good luck in your search.

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