
Any info on Gunnar Nelson's Girlfriend?

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  1.  He is also a complete freak - into "twin-cest".  Bangs his brother.

  2. She was probably a friend.

  3. I doubt it, she wasn't helping him or anything and she came and left with him

    I was just wondering

  4. Maybe she was their personal assistant.

  5. He was with a girl at the show I went to in Mesa and they were definately together. I don't think it was Lauren unless she dyed her hair blond started curlin it and reshaped her head. Anyone know anything about her, new girlfriend?

  6.  Gunnar Nelson has a girlfriend her name is Susan Martin Whitmore. She is a divorced women with two children. Gunnar is dating her and there were some rumors that both of them are engaged.

  7. he is a piece of c**p, I found pictures he was sending my fiance a couple of years ago. And let me tell you, they were not very candid pictures

  8. There isa no girlfriend. He's single!

  9. Apparently the person pretending to know about another girl he's "getting to know" is just wanting to appear in the know since they don't actually have any proof or facts.

  10. Well, I would think the only qualifications required to date him would be a v****a and a low self esteem.

  11. I'm sorry, but what "qualifications" must one have to date a middle-aged musician?  Pedigree?  Breeding?  He's not Prince William, for cryin' out loud!

  12. I concur that picture of the woman is "disgusting," that  along with picture of Lauren looks more like picutres of father and daughter. Repulsive

  13. I concur that picture of the woman is "disgusting," that  along with picture of Lauren looks more like picutres of father and daughter. Repulsive

  14. that blonde girl is DIGUSTING looking but then again gunnar is in his mid 40's so he's probably happy with anyone espc a 19 year old.

  15. It's easy for Gunnar to live with Lauren he's never there any way!

  16. who is this "other girl" gunnar is getting to know he met at another gig. What is her name? I think Lauren should be notified about this, because she at this point still is his girlfriend and still does live with him. If this is true, I will be happy to break the news to her. She may not be a super model or rich, but she is nice and does deserve a good man. And she should know. She lives in his house for petes sake. Thank you.

  17. It speaks volumes as to what Gunnar's status is?

  18. It speak volumes in picture as to what Gunnar's status?

  19. It speak volumes in picture as to what Gunnar's status?

  20. Ok I guess everyone is ok with having their boyfriend joke around with a 19 year old like that. I mean Matthew has a girlfriend yet he was able to be respectful as far as that picture goes

  21. The picture below that state's "I'm taken." It's only a picture of a nineteen year old model. They're goofing around, the picutre proves it with their expressions. There are others.

  22. The picture below that state's "I'm taken." It's only a picture of a nineteen year old model. They're goofing around, the picutre proves it with their expressions. There are others.

  23. What others have described her as as  "gold-digger" is true. No man in his right man would do that, it's up to her family!
    There is a huge age differnece and the trajectory of careers; with this upcoming plans there's very different needs; and here comes a girl with no breeding, no qualifications. He's not the only person that is private. He is single!

  24. What others have described her as as  "gold-digger" is true. No man in his right man would do that, it's up to her family!
    There is a huge age differnece and the trajectory of careers; with this upcoming plans there's very different needs; and here comes a girl with no breeding, no qualifications.No in common!  He's not the only person that is private. He is single!

  25. Yeah cause this picture screams "I'm Taken" . lol

  26. Actually she did delete her facebook and Gunnar has been getting to know another he met at a gig she was working at. It's sad that Lauren thought she was the one all this time but in fact was one of many. Honestly I think tried too much to force it. She wanted to hold on to the lifestyle he gave her.

  27. actually lauren does have a facebook but you have to be her friend to see it. also on his birthday sept 20th they in fact were on a cruise. those iowa nebraska dates wernt until after his birthday. lauren still lives with gunnar she now has quit her nursing job and is a full time student again getting her masters degree and gunnar takes care of her. he works very hard to keep his "single" image, but i assure and promise you they are still together.

  28. This year on his birthday Gunnar sang a series of concerts in Iowa and midwest with his band.  Do not trust Lauren, she has very sneaky eyes! It speaks volumes that her "Facebook" has been deleted. Go to his official website, and you'll see correct and current concert dates.

  29. For his birthday this year, Gunnar performed in Iowa on his birthday weekend and days after in the midwest. Go to his official website for concert dates.
    This Lauren has very sneaky eyes!Don't trust her! It speak volumes that her "Facebook" has been deleted. She occasionally logs into her "Myspace"

  30. Actually she deleted her facebook awhile ago. And I don't think that he was in those places at that time. So I ask u to "Prove It".

  31. That doesn't mean anything. And, I don't trust Lauren. She' dirty.

  32. lauren and gunnar are still together. as of last week they spent gunnars birthday on a week long cruise and spent 4 days in los angeles together before returning back to nashville. id say they are pretty happy. you can check out laurens facebook, she posted a ton of new pics from their trip together.

  33. Ex

  34. Ex

  35. Ex

  36. Ex

  37. Ex

  38. she's a nurse

  39. Don't jump to conclusions. Just because you never met her, and others who've had and post comments on what they've seen because they happen to be in the same place, doesn't make them out to be a "groupie"   And, everything read about her is accurate, she is low-class.

  40. I have seen her; and the description is accurate.

  41. Well, according to the majority of the Gunnar-Groupie Wanna-Be's commenting on this site, she's a drunken, pot-head, gold-digging, low-class redneck who Gunnar uses to feed his cats when he's out on the road.  I don't know - never met the girl.  She might be a very nice girl.  All this "speculating" about their relationship is really very sad.

  42. any information about Lauren?

  43. How is Lauren ruining him?

  44. lauren is ruining him.

  45. her name is lauren and she is a very odd looking young girl.

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