
Any info on travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi?

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I am scheduled to visit Vietnam this October. Can anyone tell me any info on travel from Saigon/ HCMC to Hanoi? Would you recommend a bus or train travel? Where do i get tickets, which part of HCMC? How much are they? Any recommendations? Tourist traps? What to watch out for? I'd appreciate details. Thank you very much.




  1. FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't take any other way!!!!!! u'll be sorry if u take the bus.......o train............

  2. The train is about 28 or 30 hours - make sure you get an express, not one of the locals. You can get a sleeper which can be fairly comfortable. Sitting upright all the way can be unpleasant. You will also get an opportunity to chat with your cabin mates, many Vietnamese speak some English, or other languages as well.

    Flying is an option as well - although more expensive.

    If you want to see some of the countryside I recommend the train.

    Buses are an option as well, but the accident rate is high enough that it makes a strong argument for taking the train.

    Hanoi is a nice city, and you will be coming at the nicest time of the year.

  3. I completely support MojaveDan's answer.

  4. ha ha, too much, ok, let me give you a piece of advice:

    congratulation! you have a lucid decision 'cos Hanoi's most attractive in Autumn :-)

    There're many romantic songs to sing the praise of Hanoi's autumn.

    you can travel from HCM City to Hanoi by bus (open tour), by train or by...plane :D

    in my opinion, bus's recommended. Only with this transport, you experience Vietnam beauty completely along my country from the South to the North.

    You can buy ticket at khu Phố Tây (backpackers' streets): Bui Vien str. De Tham str., Pham Ngu Lao str. (Dist. 1, centre)

    various tour operators available for you to choose: Sinh cafe, Hanh cafe, Kim cafe, Camel travel...

    (last year's trip, sinh cafe costed me ~18$, don't know how much this year :D)

    see at:;...

    traps? i don't know, no complain through 2-day stretch trip.

    watch out? uhmm, i have no trouble lolz , wrap up ur pack, ready & go go, it's simple :D

    Have a nice trip.

  5. The best way to travel between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City depends on whether you want to see anything in between.

    The best way is by air. Both Vietnam Airlines and Pacific Airlines have several regular daily flights between the two destinations. I usually take what I call the red eye, which is the last fight out from either city that leaves around 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM.  The flight is about two hours and the cost range between $60 - $100 depending on the day and time of travel. The last flight of the day is usually the cheapest. If you ever flown Southwest Airlines, you will be at home on either Vietnam or Pacific Airlines as they seem to have reinvented cattle-car airline service in Vietnam.

    You will want to take a combination of train and bus transportation if you want to see things in between Hanoi and HCMC. Vietnam’s train system is antiquated but practical if you desire to see the country at ground level. The main rail line goes from Hanoi to HCMC with trains leaving once a day from either city with stops at most of the major cities on the way. Destination is supposed to reached in about a day, but delays are common that can stretch arrival up to two days. You can make your arrival destination at any city along the way and take a bus to go further into the country. Cost for a sleeper birth half the cost of flying between the two cities and less if you want cushioned or bench seating.

    Vietnam has an extensive bus system, which can get you to just about any part of the country that you desire very inexpensively. However, bus travel is painstakingly slow and can be very dangerous as bus accidents are common. I advise taking the bus as transportation to your destination from either train or airline transportation. Modern air conditioned tour buses operated by tour companies are available from most of the airports and train stations to most major destinations that don’t have airports or train stations. Cost is a little more than standard bus service, but worth it if you desire more comfort during a long bus ride.

    Have fun!

  6. I did the trip a few years ago (97?)

    Arrived in Saigon from Hong-Kong.

    Short stay , visit some friends ;they gave me the good adresses ;-D

    Then flew Vietnam Airline (modern aircrafts-serviced by Air France tech' ) to Nha Trang. Visited the area (cham culture) and another flight to Da Nang ( don't miss Hoi An village)

    Then drove (chauffeured car) driving the "clouds pass" to Hué ( Tien Mu pagoda, Imperial city...)

    Then another flight to Hanoi.

    Very nice city with a lot of artists and artifacts...

    In one of the cafés-tourists meeting points, we booked a chauffeur driven tour to Haiphong, Ha Long bay, Lang Son, Cao Bang (visit to my grand-ma's birth place Tra Linh at the chineese border !) and back thru the mountains villages to Hanoi !

    Flying will save you time because driving is very slow in Vietnam ( i.e. : 8 hours drive for about 250 miles (!) in the north !) and is also quite cheap and very safe (aircrafts are brand new !)

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