
Any information about planet Nibiru, 2012 and the Sumerians?

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I have reserch this for a bit and the further I go the cazier it gets. There are actually a lot of things that make sense and are tied to other well known facts. Please I would like some feedback.




  1. I found this documentary that will help you understand all this.

  2. This may seem to be the most ridiculously longest answer ever, but as a scientist and historian, I believe in being thorough because this is one topic where I find most people are ill-informed. There are 2 coinciding reasons for the confusion over 2012; the Maya and the Sumerians. Here's the facts on both cultures.

    __________The Maya and 2012__________

    The only culture using the year 2012 as a future reference point is the Maya on their LONG COUNT Calendar (The Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar). What most people are not aware of is that the Mayans had several calendars. The Long Count Calendar was one of which various PREDICTIONS were said to happen, but have not always been accurate as time has shown us. Yes, they were master astronomers, but they were NOT psychic advisors to the stars. I’ll give you an example to prove my point. In their 13-Baktun Great Cycle - a cycle of approximately 5125 years on the Long Count Calendar – the Maya predicted that their God "KULKUKAN" was going to return to them on a certain date. Instead, the Conquistadors showed up in the 17th century and aggressively converted the Maya to Christianity, destroying almost all of the Mayan’s codec’s. Even before this event, the Maya civilization nearly brought itself to extinction in the 8th and 9th centuries due to what most scholars accept as overpopulation and exhausted food resources. It was for this reason the Maya were unable to start a new age on their calendar system. Again, the Mayans DID NOT predict the world was going to end. Doomsayers really spin this out of proportion without accurate knowledge of historical facts and cosmology. The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief that a “cataclysm” will take place on or about 21 December 2012; a forecast that mainstream Mayan Scholars consider a misinterpretation. The term "Apocalypse" or "Cataclysm" as the Maya scribed it, literally means uncovering or revealing. This definition was understood, even at their time of writing. No matter what conspiracy theorists want to believe, the truth is, the Mayan Long Calendar speaks of the end of one cycle of time moving into the next on December 21, 2012. Here’s something else the doomsayers “conveniently” overlook. Maya stele occasionally show dates beyond 2012. Most of these are in the form of "distance dates," where a Long Count date is given with a distance date to be added. For example, on the “Tablet of Inscriptions” from Palenque, the Maya archeological site near the Usumacinta River in the Mexican state of Chiapas, a Long Count was found with a distance date of 21 October 4772 – almost 3,000 years into the future. The king Pacal of Palenque predicted that on this date the 18th Calendar Round anniversary of his accession will be celebrated, suggesting that he obviously did not believe the world would end in 2012.

    Now, from the cosmological point of view, research into the nature of December 21, 2012, reveals that a rare celestial alignment culminates on this date; and amazingly, the Mayans knew this. What occurs here is an alignment between the galactic and solar planes. Specifically, the winter solstice sun will conjunct the Milky Way, which is the edge of our spinning galaxy as viewed from earth. Furthermore, the place where the sun meets the Milky Way is where the "dark-rift" in the Milky Way is. This a black ridge along the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds. On winter solstice of 2012, the sun will be right in this dark-rift and the orientation is such that the Milky Way will rim the horizon at all points around. Thus, the Milky Way "sits" on the earth, touching it at all points around, opening up the cosmic sky portal. The galactic and solar planes are thus aligned. "Sky portal" is just a term to describe the "opened sky" scenario apparent when the Milky Way rims the horizon. This is not to be confused with the "dark-rift" itself. Overall, the dark-rift is best understood as the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother when relating to Mayan culture. And the date of this alignment is, again, the end date of the 13-baktun Great Cycle. This all suggests that the ancient Maya were aware of the impending alignment and considered it to be of such importance to be a major transition point, the Creation of a new World Age.

    So, for those of you still unconvinced and bound to mythological ideas better suited for Hollywood Filmmaking, if the Maya were so keen into predicting the future, one would come to theorize that they would have foreseen the demise of their own race and more than likely, prevented it from happening. I'm sure if their culture would have survived in large numbers, they would have continued their calendar system.

    __________Planet X and the Sumerians__________

    What most astronomers in search of Planet X do not realize is that an ancient civilization over 6,000 years old strangely knew about another planet in our solar system. The Sumerian's are the 1st recorded civilization on Earth. They produced over 100 of Earth's 1st modern civilizations and were located in a land known as Mesopotamia, Babylon, originally called Sumer, modern day Iraq. The Sumerians invented writing, math, agriculture, medicine, courts, laws, judges, schools, and astronomy, all of which has been found to exist in the form of a written language and stone artifacts with pictograms. They have left us 1000's of cylinder seals and stone tablets which tell about their daily lives. They also recorded sacred texts on some of these tablets which tell us that if you were to ask a Sumerian man, "How do you know all this advanced math and astronomy?" they would have responded, “We have left you the answer in stone.”

    The Sumerians had some of the most advanced astronomical data ever recorded. They proved to be master astronomers by having cited accurate distances between the planets and even the correct color schemes of the outer planets. This should not have been possible without the aid of telescopes from a 6,000 year old civilization. They recorded (accurately) all the planets we know of, but included an additional planet which they called "NIBIRU." They said our solar system has 12 members in that they counted nine planets (including Pluto) plus our sun (10) our moon (11) and the (12th planet) which is on a highly elliptical orbit and only passes around the sun every 3,600 years. How did they do this? The Sumerians say, "All that we know, we were taught by the Anunnaki." The term ANUNNAKI means "those who from heaven to earth came." The Sumerians also claim to have lived amongst their “Living Gods.” The Anunnaki taught the Sumerians how to record (in stone) the location from which they came. The Anunnaki live on the 12th planet in our solar system which is called NIBIRU. The number (12) has proven to be the root of many sources of information derived from the Sumerian culture that we still use today. (12 hours in a day / night) (12 inches in a foot) (12 in a dozen) (12 tribes of Israel) (12 Disciples of Jesus) (12 Greek Olympians) (12 houses of the Zodiac)

    The astronomy community has always been very effective at finding new objects in our vicinity, even before professional telescopes. Need I cite an example for proof? Okay . . . Hale-Bopp Comet. If a planet 4-8 times the size of earth comes anywhere near us, trust me, we would have found it by now. And if it were going to strike or pass by Earth in 2012, it would have begun to appear in our night skies as the second brightest object other than The Moon. And by 2010, we will start seeing it in the day time just like we do the moon at times.


    Aside from the Mayan prediction for an end of an age in 2012 and the beginning of a new, there is no Sumerian astronomical reference citing a Planet X / Nibiru is anywhere near us or will be near us anytime soon.

  3. 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' at the middle of what Jews and Christians call the Tribulation. All things must come and go. If you believe or not, that is up to you.

    Things to look for to prove it to yourself soon:

    The fall of America as a power economically and in other ways.

    The start of the North American Union.

    Push to one world government.

    Push to one world religion where there are "manys ways to God".

    More food shortages and famines.

    More earth quakes.

    More fires.

    Strange and severe weather.

    Push for USA and Israel to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are sadly mistaken and a fool!)

    Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".

    Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

    Major spiritual awakenings.

    Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    Rise in wickedness and corruption.

    Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk'... watch your local skies for the show!)

    Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card and then right after forcibly implant people with RFID chips (google: 'Verichip Corp').

    2012 has been the end of this Age prophecy of many religions, cultures, and people all through the world.

    Christians and Messianic Jews look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Messianic Saviour in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light".

    Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

  4. Human beagle gave an account of historical explanation and I agree with most for it but there are some things we don't realize that if you believe in God then it is the source and if not then one source of intelligent energy which regulates is the source of Knowledge, I have been a patient reader and prayed for knowledge/ wisdom and had a carving to know what Ancient people knew and we don't still. Your question smells like Me 10 years ago. You have no short cut for wisdom, it comes to those who look for it. I like you to go deeper in religious studies and learn to relate what comes to you, as a result of your study and you will understand what it is to know. I have learned alot in my life and have realized one thing that We struggle to KNOW what is in front of us just coz we doubt ourselves.................. Adding to human beagle I would say that if you go beyond biase and read Chinese and Indian studies of old times they also make calculations in predictions and If you Know about Zoroastrian calender of old persia. they have also have similar predictions and if you know old persia is known to have a class of priests called Magi-from which word magic originates. This class lived their lives in search of knowledge. The first calender which has not lost a minute of time in history is persian calender. They have also predicted in their calculations that there will be a change in era and noticeable one then there will be the end of times, a hotly debated topic regarding what will be the end of times, but the same is available in Indian and Chinese studies ie Change of ERA and then second date of end of times all major religions including the Ancient ones wait for the Saviour of humanity in one way or the other and to me it will be the change in era and in all predictions that I have been able to read they exact date is not indicated which is understandable to common reader, most of the time it is coded and encrypted in indications and astronomical signs and the accuracy of date has been guarded by those responsible for it. So this may not be the forum where you can know much about your Question, However if you are interested in knowing let me know about the study that you have done on the subject. I maybe able to help you. if you are interested email me.

  5. The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Nature, when reversed: Overgrowth. Natural forces out of control. Fear of nature and sexuality. Mothering issues. Seduced by the illusions of materialism.

  6. ''that is the biggest load of old nonsense I ever heard"

    yup, that explains it pretty well

  7. No, there's no information---only misinformation and craziness.

  8. Where did you go to school, that is the biggest load of old nonsense I ever heard, check out the guy who came up with that theory, he works for Marvel comics.

    All I can say is that humanity will not last long with so called intelligent people reading that sort of trash, and people like you believing it.

    The only thing that you said which makes any sense is that it is crazy. What "facts" are you talking about?, you conveniently forgot to mention that.

  9. These planet nibiru is jus a hypothetical planetary objest. There are a number of planets or planetary bodies whose existence is not supported by scientific evidence, but which are occasionally believed to exist by pseudoscientists (pseudo means "false science), conspiracy theorists or certain religious groups. Some were proposed early in philosophical history, and perhaps belong more to protoscience than pseudoscience, while others were formed in direct conflict with current scientific consensus.

    Sitchin's theory proposes the planets Tiamat and Nibiru. Tiamat supposedly existed between Mars and Jupiter. He postulated that it was a thriving world in a much differently shaped solar system, with jungles and oceans, whose orbit was disrupted by the arrival of a large planet or very small star (less than twenty times the size of Jupiter) which passed through the solar system between 65 million and four billion years ago. The new orbits caused Tiamat to collide with one of the moons of this object, which is known as Nibiru. The debris from this collision are thought by the theory's proponents to have variously formed the asteroid belt, the moon, and the current incarnation of the planet Earth.

    Beginning in 1995, websites such as ZetaTalk have identified Nibiru or "Planet X" as a large object in the outer Solar System currently on collision course with Earth. Sitchin himself disagrees with these claims.

    To the Babylonians, Nibiru was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of this, the hypothetical planet Nibiru is sometimes also referred to as Marduk. Sitchin hypothesizes it as a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,600 to 3,760 years or 3,741 years, he also claims it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, which would have visited Earth in search of gold particles.

    you can read something about it on....

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