
Any innovative idea to make a women's party sponsored by a skin care promotion product interesting and unique

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Any innovative idea to make a women's party sponsored by a skin care promotion product interesting and unique




  1. Contact, Advertising Company of a Reputed 'Skin Care Product' Manufacturing and Marketing Company(es).

    good Luck.

  2. Depends on how many women attending.  And on what the purpose of the party is.  If it is to promote the skin care product, read on.

    One of the best women's events I participated in was with about 30 women.  We were selling to graphic designers. We put together a presentation, telling them they needed to listen closely because afterwards we were playing a game (with prizes) that would be based on what we had presented.  Participants were writing notes and listening hard!

    We created the presentation to use key product words and phrases and content.  We created our own version of the Jeopardy game to play.  E.G. One category was Most Famous Graphic Designers (we had talked about them in our presentation).  

    The group of women had been divided into teams. We had our own announcer, bell ringer, answer spotter, etc.  It was huge fun.  Prizes were related to our product (paper): 6 teams (5 people per team) - one group each got a Jeopardy game to practice, another group each got a book on game playing and sportsmanship, etc. etc.  

    You can customize this to relate it to the skin care promotion products.  It is some work - but try to get some of the participants to help you organize - only one of you should know the questions and answers though.  

    This was hilarious fun.  You can't take the rules too seriously.  Every one got involved.  And the best part was that they remembered the event, the good time they had, and the product!

  3. I say call it a pamper party - offer services like mani/peti's, massages, and skin consultations/ facials. It would be a great way to incorporate the product but give your guests something in return so it doesn't seem just like a sell.

    I've been to some pamper parties and i know every woman loves a day with the girls getting beautiful...

  4. Contact and explore,

    Event Management Companies, working for VLCC and HUL.

    With all the Best.

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