
Any interesting and thought provoking stories about spirits? Tell me your story?

by  |  earlier

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Edit to Whatever: Is your house in Australia like Glenroy? Its just the discription is very similar to a story I know of about a family and a shooting.




  1. I had a dream about a friend I lost touch with. In the dream his face was messed up so when I woke up I looked his name up on yahoo & came across his obit & a news story that he died in a car crash this past summer.

  2. The house I used to live in was haunted. According to our landlord years ago a lady was held hostage there by her husband. He let her go but shot her in the back of the head halfway across the yard. Now when you sleep in the house in the middle of the night you can hear someone walking across the floor opening the front door. also somethign stops and looks into all the rooms. sometime you can catch a woman sitting on the couch out of the corner of your eye. There is alot that happened to me in that house including my abuse. When that ended I could of swore I seen a little boy laughing and running down the hall.

  3. It's possible the reason so few people are responding could be due to the fact this very same question is asked just about every day.  If you look in the questions archives you'll find many answers to this question.

  4. I've had many strange things happen to me. If you believe the days around Halloween have any spiritual's what happened to me most recently..

    I go on walks at the cemetery (paved roads, big) and use a heart rate monitor to track my progress. It is new, in good shape, and has never malfunctioned. Oct. 30th, I was on my walk and I noticed my HRM read 228 BPM..I thought WHOA, I should be having a heart attack! My pulse was fine, I felt fine. Then it read 197, 135, 117, 00. Went home, and on the way home it was working fine.

    Oct 31st, on my HRM is messing up again. My user manual says electromagnetic waves interfere w/ the transmitter sometimes. Well...there was nothing else electronic around me. And I've walked there for quite a while without problems. Batteries are fine. Everything seems fine except when I'm walking in the cemetery.

    Nov. 1st. On my walk, pissed off thinking my HRM wouldn't work anymore. It worked fine. It has worked fine since.

    What do you think...weird interference on just those days is a strange coincedence..I'm not superstitious and I actually question the existance of ghosts..but this really made me wonder.

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