
Any interesting ideas or concepts for a nightclub my wife and I are opening?

by  |  earlier

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It will be in Canberra, Australia. We were thinking about a resturant/club however i'll keep the rest to myself so I don't limit your imagination. Don't hold back - all ideas welcome. Thanks for your help.




  1. How about a nail bar at the side, girls can get their nails done, while drinking.  I have seen it on the news ages ago.  It would be a bit smelly though.

  2. Without knowing the clients or customers you plan on focusing on, but for the sake of advertising I would recommend a "blitz" that begins two weeks prior to opening.  Start slowly with the "blitz" (several radio advertisements - then a couple of the local papers) and move to increased radio advertisement and increased newspaper ads.  Additionally, you can probably find some teenagers to hire to hand out fliers in parking lots of shopping centers.  Again, with the focus who you would like to have come to opening night and there after.  I would also recommend a raffle, for something interesting and maybe a free drink for the women who show up.  Offer up a jar up front with a sign for people to bring their business cards (requirement would be for email addresses to be on the cards) and this way you can start building a database for all of your customers, the contest lets say is a "free lunch" for the office (set limits of 20 employees maximum as a disclaimer).  

    Hope this helps you at least a bit and best of luck to you and your wife.

  3. People are always looking for a getaway, so a tropical theme is a nice little break.  The cuisine could be light caribbean fare, with palm trees and parrots (fake, or no), and luscious island drinks featured each night of the week.  The staff could have lots of fun with either native island wear, or with uniforms like cruise staff don.  In keeping with the indoor smoking ban, an outside verrandah in the same theme would offer smokers their own little paradise, as well!

  4. Ok, well since the "new" smoking legislation has come in to effect, a lot of clubs are losing money. I think you would get a good share of the market by providing an outdoor section which has typical indoor facilities. I don't know what sort of space you have in mind, but a big outdoor courtyard outside of the main indoor area would be a great start. You can have live bands inside with a main dance floor, and have another dance floor outside, with a dj, and karaoke nights (most karaoke venues have stopped the karaoke as all the singers are outside on tiny balconies). Make sure you have large screens in each area as Canberra is full of footy heads for all codes. For the restaurant section, you should keep "munchies" on offer to serve to the drinkers during the later hours of the evening. Email me if you want any more ideas. Good luck, and I hope to see it when it's open.

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