
Any interpretations for this dream, just had?

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I live in a very bare house in a foreign land. My husband who seems ferret like..mostly keeping to himself, disappearing to God knows where..asks me if I can go to a certain house he had been given to guard by the owners while they are away. He tells me "be careful going in and coming out, for the key and lock are fragile" - I am to go into this house in search of a letter. I wonder why he does not go himself.

I discover that the lock and the key which opens it, are fragile indeed. So fragile that as I gently turn it to open it breaks in the lock, leaving me to hold only part of it.

I enter the house and it is the most beautiful house I have ever seen.

It is ALL underwater. And vases made in the form of fish are on top of tables everywhere. There is seaweed coming out of the ceramic fishes' mouths..seahorses with mermaids riding them, furniture here and there in the shape of shells.

Immediately upon entering, I am enchanted by this atmosphere and notice that my feet have turned into a fishes' fin and I swim so gracefully throughout, under water in search of this letter. I go from room to room, but find nothing although I look everywhere. After a while, I begin to worry - because I know that if I remain in that strange habitat I will never leave it to return to my ferret-like land husband.' I touch my head and there is a small corona, suddenly attached to my long, long hair, which was not there before. And instead of the dress I was wearing I now have scales below the waist to the end of the fin, and my b*****s are bare. I see in the reflection of a wall, that I am now a mermaid.

I am happy at this change. I can finally identify with this presence!

Just as I am ready to leave behind my search for the letter my husband has requested I'd find for him..I reach a very small dark room. And there is a door with a k**b which I can not turn, and a piece of paper, folded into a letter which I can not slipped under a grill on the door, and below the grill there is a picture of a dead child of perhaps 2 or 3 years - and the letter peeks a little from under it, for me to see it.

But all I can read from the writing on the letter's corner, an envelope of bright lavender phosphorescent - in the aquamarine blue of the water I swim beneath - is written only this : This is the room of your dead child. His possessions are kept intact here. DO NOT COME IN.

End of dream.

Any ideas as to what this dream could signify?

Thank you.




  1. I have no idea at all..

    I wish though I were able to recall my dreams with such clarity and detail , rather than the blur they usually are..

  2. I'm not sure but it is creepy!

  3. well the fact that the house is underwater could just be there to enhance the 'beauty' of it, or because you are searching for the letter? and the bottom of the ocean is supposed to be like the final frontier.

    you being a mermaid, could mean that your not completely happy with the way you look and maybe need a change. could just be because your underwater and it makes slightly more sense, but yeah.

    the dead childs room, could mean that there is some memory of death that youve either kept or had kept hidden from you, something that you dont want to revisit. and the fact that it is 'your dead child' probably means that its something you care about a lot.

    hmm, hope that made the tiniest bit of sense. sorry if its not much help =)

  4. The dream is a metaphor for your past and your inner child. It is urging to move on and forget about the memories of your past and embrace the bright future ahead of you. You may have a future close to the ocean or a body of water. Or the dream could contain a metaphor for the transition of the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius. However, I suspect this dream to be more personal than a dream connected to the collective unconscious. I stand with the interpretation that the dream is a metaphor for your past and leaving the inner child behind and embracing your womanhood.  

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