
Any keen birdwatchers able to help with naming a type of bird?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i love looking at birds (the feathered kind) but only have a little bit of knowledge. i was wondering if anyone could tell me what i saw this morning. on searching it looked a little like a Siberian Goldfinch Hen but had a red beak and about three bright yellow patches on its body. Any help would be greatly appriciated.




  1. From your description it could be a waxwing, check your hand book, they are often seen in and around industrial areas,

  2. Since I haven't seen a picture, here are the birds I think it could be:

    Yellow Billed Cuckoo

    Elegant Trogon

    Great Crested Flycatcher

    Brown Crested Flycatcher

    Sulphur BIlled Flycatcher

    Great Kiskadee

  3. Unfortunately your description is vague,!!

    But the bird you mention is not a Siberian Goldfinch not in my book anyway.

    Where do you live ?What country?these will help to eliminate a long search.

    Hi Silverstd,it is the red beak that is throwing me of track.

    Has it a long thin beak or a short thick one?,how big is it?

    I t could be  Goldfinches as they have a red forehead but not a red beak.

    Come back I will be watching.

  4. hay how boring r u i like s*x not f*****k ing birds

  5. The description you have given could be anything from a common Goldfinch onwards.  More information, like area you live in, type of area seen, wooded, urban, parkland, tree, shrub, etc, etc.

    Sorry cant be any more help

  6. i jus visited india n seen a similar bird called the forest munia

  7. could be a gold finch

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