
Any lawyers out there?

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I pulled up my boyfriends court record and it says that there is a "MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON BOND" in regards to his driver license being suspended for a DUI ticket. Can anyone tell me what it means?




  1. A DUI is driving under the influence.  When you're arrested you can either put up bail money or go to a bail bondsman and pay a 10% fee for him to post a bond which is like an insurance policy that if they let him out of jail and he doesn't show up in court the bail bondsman forfeits the bond and loses the money.  Then the bail bondsman goes after the guy who promised to show up and paid the premium on the bond.  The judge here, said that the bail bondsman won and gave him a judgment on the bond which your boyfriend now has to pay.  This tells you at least two things about your boyfriend.  He either uses drugs or gets drunk and he doesn't keep his word about showing up in court and he is a contract breaker.  Consider dumping him.

  2. While Almond's answer above is technically correct, it doesn't answer your question in plain English.  Your BF was released from jail on a bond.  He broke one of the terms of that bond,  The Bail-bondsman who fronted the money needed to get your BF out of jail now wants to be reimbursed because he has not been paid.  Therefore, he is seeking a judgment from the court allowing him to go after your BF for the money lent to get your BF out of jail.

  3. If the defendant, at any time before judgment, causes a bond to be executed to the plaintiff with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the officer having the attachment or after the return thereof by the clerk, conditional on the performance of the judgment of the court, the attachment shall be discharged and restitution made of property taken or proceeds thereof. The execution of such bond shall be deemed an appearance of such defendant to the action. The bond shall be part of the record and, if judgment goes against the defendant, the judgment shall be entered against the defendant and the sureties.

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