
Any liberal women offended by the treatment of Palin and her daughter by the media/democrat talking heads?

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Any liberal women offended by the treatment of Palin and her daughter by the media/democrat talking heads?




  1. Hey if you can't stand the heat, stay off the ballot.

  2. If not, they should be.

  3. I'm a liberal man and I'm offended by the way the Republicans have treated Obama... lies after lies...

  4. They should be.

    Lizz: How can anyone think like that?

    "she is anti choice, therefore anti woman."

    Actually, she just likes letting babies live. How can you call a woman who is doing more for women everywhere than you ever will anti women?

    "i'm more offended by sarah palin trying to take away my reproductive freedom. given her stance on womens issues, she gets no sympathy from me."

    You have all the reproductive freedom in the world. Just dont kill babies and fetuses, mmk?

    "the daughter does though because i have to wonder if this girl was given any choice at all, as well as the boyfriend."

    Actually, they had a large amount of choice. And they chose to have s*x. I dont think that is too wise.

    I dont get how people think this girl didnt know about condoms. Of course she did, you want have to live in a bubble not too. Even if your mother is absolutely anti condoms, you will find out. Period.

  5. Since when have liberal women been able to think for themselves.

  6. I am very upset about the disgusting trash talking liberals have done and also some Republicans. It is totally unnecessary and uncalled for. Especially so many people in this forum greatly disappoints me.

  7. Equal rights or better rights which is it? You want man like jobs and man like pay, but you don't want to be treated like a man gtfo. This is what comes with the job, this is what comes with being famous if she doesn't like it she can always go back to the rock.

  8. If nothing else the immaturity directed at Palin should show those women just exactly wht the Dems really think of them

  9. Only in the sense that I'd love to hear Palin lecture on how abstinence is a good substitute for s*x education and birth control among young people.

    That would be amusing.

  10. No more than the media dragging up affairs that happened years ago that both people involved had moved past and wanted to forget. Media are whores, regardless of their political affiliation but Palin had more than ample warning of what scrutiny her family would go through if she joined the political race...especially with a part that has a 'holier than thou' attitude.

    Offended-So-so. Surprised-Not at all.

  11. I'm just mad that McCain's hairbrained decision is distracting from the serious issues of the election.  This is becoming a three-ringed circus, and for McCain not to have known it would, shows how out of touch he is.  

    As I see it, he picked a woman who was unqualified to be the Vice-President to energize his base.  Isn't this how Bush ran the country, energizing the extremes, or his base?  Where's change, or putting the country first, ahead of ambition?  

  12. Only liberals would treat the daughter of a politician like this. She isn't even a part of the campaign, leave her out of it.

    ***G, how have we treated Obama? Pointing out he's inexperianced, or is that only OK when you are talking about Palin? Or is it because we're all so racist? I really can't tell what specific thing you're talking about...

  13. It Should be very hard for a girl and her mother manage it.  When you had a problem and the world is over you it add more stress, i guess.  But at the end she is doing the correct backing her girl.

    I am trying to define if the media is democrat or it is just the media stylus!

  14. Sorry, no.

    I bet Palin never taught her daughter about birth control, instead, like many fundies, she only taught her 'abstinence only'.  Like abstinence is really going to work!!!

    Palin only has herself to blame.

  15. NOPE!

    Were any Conservative women offended by the treatment of the Obama family by the Repubes?  

  16. I am not a liberal (former liberal who is now an independent) and a male.

    Here is my two cents though:

    Saying she had it coming is kind of like saying, it is her fault that many childish, sexist, partisan people act like a-holes. It doesn't fly.

    We make a big deal about pretending to want candidates who are "just like the common folk", giggling as Hillary pound shots of Johnnie Walker Red, or Obama eating waffles, or having a beer with Bush , or Kerry and Edwards pretending to eat at Wendy's. We are critical of politicians who we see as rich, for the very reason.they are not like us most of us.

    And yet, we get a candidate more like most of us, and we get self righteous? Please. Her family is middle America. If you can't deal with that, then you deserve every bit of the BS that is Washington today. I like her, as I also like Obama, as I also like McCain, as I like Biden's perseverance in public life after his wife and son died 36 years ago. But then again, I'm an adult, with an adult mind. But the Palin family has real issues that aren't "disposed" of by consultants or handlers.

    We forget that the reason Clinton had an 80% approval rating even after his impeachment was not because he was some superstar. He had his flaws in policy and personally. We supported him because we felt the Republican base were doing a little to much hyperventilating and frothing at the mouth. We knew the moral outrage was BS, and was nothing more than political theater. This is no different.

    The debate over Abstinence only or s*x Ed is really not that serious. Kids today, in the age of the internet, MTV, and a multi-billion dollar p**n industry know how to have s*x, and not get pregnant. Is she a bad mother because her daughter got pregnant, or because her daughter is still pregnant? Or because her daughter had s*x in the first place, even at her urging not to. Parenting is funny like that, and has been around longer than Democrats, Republicans, abortion, birth control, or the religious right. You do what you can to do the right thing, and if your kids fail somehow, only a complete a-hole would relish in that failure.

    Oh, and he media.. They treat Republicans as they should treat all politicians. That much is fair. They go easy on Democrats because they believe in their policies. That much is not fair. Since politics is a corrupt dynamic, and the media has co-opted itself into that corruption, they too are now corrupt. Anyone that thinks otherwise is in denial or stupid.

  17. I am considered democrat and I am appalled that this has gotten so much coverage in the media. It is unfair to her family and unfair to to the 17 year old girl, her boyfriend, and their child. Those three people did not choose to be Palin's children and should not be scrutinized as much as this.

    I am also appalled that suddenly people's (And by people, I only mean Palin) parenting skills are on the plate as an issue when it is not usually an issue for her male politicians. Including Bush, McCain, and Obama.  

    I understand her daughter's pregnancy being pointed out because it goes against what she stands for in abstinence only teaching, but this much coverage is ridiculous. And did I mention unfair to those three people who did not choose to be related to a politician..

  18. I am not a liberal but as a woman I am highly offended. And disappointed in some of the people on here.

  19. Not at all - conservatives need a does of their own medicine. They are the first to throw stones and make moral and ethical judgments on the actions and mistakes of liberals - but as soon as they make a mistake, they are defending themselves as just human. Well conservatives are the one who have based their platform on conservative values, so if anyone should be judged harshly, it should be them. A liberal never said to care what goes on your house behind closed doors, it's the conservatives that think they have the right to get in everyone's business. So they deserve whatever harsh judgments they get when they don't live up to their own ideals.  

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