
Any links to find a large deisel piston out of a frieght train.?

by Guest33659  |  earlier

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Just want to see the size of one,i'd like to get an old one some how,just for conversation pecie.




  1. number one should do it. if not i will ask daddy. he works on the r.r. thanks smiles Kat

  2. I think Steven has the right answer, you would have better luck than with a railroad directly I think.

    An unusable piston to them is only worth a few dollars scrap price so they shouldnt be averse to selling one .

    Dont give up on the first try, be persistant.

    Also, if you type in railroad memorabilia on eBay you will get pages and pages of stuff htere, you never know what might turn up.

  3. Have you tried the locomotive rebuilder sites?

    Here's a link:

    I can understand why you would want one. I worked on large diesels for almost 21 years. A piston and con rod is about 3' tall and weighs in at a hefty 200 pounds. Making some type of stable base would be a main concern.

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