
Any luck Growing Lemons indoors - Zone 5 ?

by  |  earlier

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I see some interesting lemon trees for sale in nursery catalogs. Anyone have citrus trees indoors that yielded fruit. Any tips or where you bought yours?




  1. Do you have a room with high ceilings and lots of sun.  If not then don't waste your time.  Lemons are cheap as h**l... buy a big *** bag for a couple bucks.

  2. I don't think you will ever be successful growing any fruit indoors. Fruit needs the heat of the sun and Bees to pollinate their flowers to produce, so I seriously doubt that it would work.

  3. Oh my, yes you can grow them indoors. Average heat in a home is fine for them, but you need to make sure that you get good light, 3500 foot candles or better. You can also hand pollinate them, be the Bee, with a small natural fiber paint brush. The link below has lots of great trees and very good info pages.

    By the way, I'm suggesting dwarf trees of course. Semi-dwarf and standard sized trees are just too big.

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