
Any massage therapists who have procedures for a cold stone face massage?

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Just looking to add it to my practice. I know I want to use the hot towel in conjunction with it. Not sure on much more than that though. Any help?




  1. I use little river polished stones. Not too small they have to fit in your hand pretty well. I place them in a bowl with ice cubes before my client comes. Then I do a shiatsu treatment for the face, I press with the stones then release and on the second pass I make circles. If you need the pattern, I use both hands and start in the middle and work my way out. I start at the eyebrows then move up the fore head, then I go across the eyebrows, under the eyebrows, across the bridge of the nose and under the eyes, down the nose and under the last line, above the lips, below the lips, and across the jaw. I'm sure it won't be to hard to make your own pattern. Practice on others, but you should look up the meridians on the face and follow them a bit. It's pretty simple, I don't use a hot towel, but that doesn't mean you can't. I hope that helps and good luck!

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