
Any md's or medical students around?

by Guest55998  |  earlier

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is jogging, running, walking etc...a cure for lung cancer. Do these help to reverse the effects of smoking? I know its not a cure, just couldnt think of the correct phrase.




  1. Unfortunately, the tissue in the lungs cannot heal like tissue in the rest of the body.  However, theoretically anything that is good for general health is also good for the immune system, our natural defense against cancer.  In terms of reversing the effects of smoking though, I would say no.

  2. Any of those activities will help increase your lung capacity but none of them will cure lung cancer. Lung cancer can be surgically removed if it is detected early.

    Stopping smoking is what helps heal damaged lung tissue but years of smoking causes damage that is not reversible. Emphysema (COPD) is a disease caused by smoking and exposure to second hand smoke and other pollutants. What happens with emphysema is that the millions of tiny breathing sacks in the lungs are stiffened to the point where they cannot contract and expel the carbon dioxide that we breathe out when we exhale. They also fill up with fluid and so the patient is much more susceptible to getting pneumonia. Emphysema is a permanent, and life-threatening disease.

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