
Any meaning to this dream?

by Guest31755  |  earlier

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This is the first time a long while that i can remember one of my dreams so clearly.

i was at my old high school, and there were old friends there... and for some reason i was holding a snake (did some research, it was a green, horned adder) that was about to evole (think pokemon, lol)... so when it did.. i was still holding it... so it bit me a few times in my hand and arm... first thought that came to mind was: it doesn't hurt.... second was: poison, lol? :P

so then.. we entered a classroom... and all of a sudden i feel a sharp pain on the palm of my hand.. so i look.. and i see this centipede coming out of my hand.. about 3-3.5 inches long. so i pull it out.. and then there's like.. 4 more of them. I probably should have freaked out but I didn't.

After that I woke up and I could still feel stings and a faint sense of pain where the centipedes were pulled out.

So~... is this just a load of c**p or does it mean something? XD




  1. I think maybe you tought you were gonna get teased in high school and people were gonna stab you in the back an try to hurt you.- but you got stronger now and nothing can hurt you anymore.- and i donno why you still felt the stings.- mayb a bug was really bitting you so that it could seem real or so that you could feel the pain.- =]

  2. Your dream suggests a harkening back to that time due to some unfinished or unsatisfactory business from the past there.

    Re-visiting our old schools usually implies work that we wish had gone better at the time, or a continuing feeling of having been less than fully appreciated for what we did in those years.  This one was clearly driven by a fairly powerful recollection coupled with some contemporary trigger to have been so vividly recalled compared to your norm.

    By your activitiy with the snake and the research you mentioned you must be one who is, and perhaps was, very precise in terms of studying things.  The events of the dream suggest that you have a sense of adventure coupled with curiosity for things in the physical world, creatures for certain.  Snakes imply danger - even if harmless.  They are largely an unknown quantity for most of us - and you've apparently picked this one up before doing the research.  

    Bitten but not hurt, you are vindicated - friends may look on in horror but you are OK - point proven after all.  Does that relate to any event you can recall from the past?  Is there something you wish to 'prove' to others?

    Now, having handled what might have been painful but was not, and having researched to see what kind of snake the creature was, you have mastered this challenge right before your friend's eyes.  But privately now ("lol") you wonder of poison... that's doubt.  Although you've proven yourself, there's some nagging insecurity in this - "what if I'm wrong" is there, even though your friends may be quietly impressed.

    Then going into the classroom and experiencing this horror of centipedes emerging from your own flesh and stinging you.  This is something unforseen - and unwanted.  Not just unwanted because of the pain and horror, but because now after all, you are not the full master of creation about you.  This happens right before your friends, so they would know then that you are not infallable after all but endangered by your own curiosities.

    Think back - did you have insecurities about how you felt among your friends?  Did you wish to prove yourselve bravely, but suffer doubts?  Did you refrain from some bolder actions for fear of failure or pain from the unknowns that might accompany them?

    In sum, the dream suggests that you are put back in the light of your friend's sight and while you take bold actions you also suffer from feet of clay, you fall short and even suffer pain.  

    That time and place must not have always been so pleasant for you and the risks not fully faced at that time may haunt a bit.  In fact, you may have experienced some recent set-back that threw your subconscious mind back to a time of similar discomfort by which to illustrate the feelings.  It would likley be a relatively minor and temporary thing or the meaning of the dream would probably be much more clear to you.  

    You will have to consider the context you understand to see how these things may fit.  Consider this in your waking hours to see if it helps explain the dream.

    All the best to you.

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