
Any meds that could make me more flexible?

by Guest32055  |  earlier

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Ok. I know this sounds silly, but are there any type of medications out there or something that could make me more flexible in all of my muscles?

Or something that could like replace stretching?






  1. NO, quit being lazy and just stretch.  It's bad enough people want to loose weight without doing anything, but you're too lazy to stretch.

    What the h**l is wrong with you?  Stretching feels good.  Even fat people will get off their butt and stretch.

    I mean, come on!

  2. Would you REALLY want something like that? Just do some really good stretching...

  3. Dont take medication to mess with your body!!! it's unnatural!

    You'll find that you'll be more flexible if you try to be flexible when your muscles are warm - after excersize. go for a 10 minute jog and then try to contort yourself into whatever shape youre trying to acheive, you'll find it to be much easier! and WAY healthier and more fulfilling than popping pills.

    By the way, oxycontin is the "poor man's heroin". Don't do that to yourself, for any reason.

  4. I don't think there's any med to do that, but stretching will help a lot! Also, drink lots of water.

  5. Why is it that everyone wants an easy fix. A pill is going to have side effects. (A muscle relaxer might make it easier to stretch but shouldn't be used all the time because they make you goofy) Some people are naturally more flexible than others. That just means you have to work harder at it. Nothing is going to replace stretching because if you don't stretch, you will ruin your muscles and do harm to your body.

  6. HAHA. not that i know of. the best way of becoming more flexible is by stretching little by little every day 3-4 hours BEFORE you go to sleep. youll realize within 2 weeks that your stretching easier and farther.

    its true! i tried it haha,

    hope this helps [:

  7. NOPE  

  8. Oxycontin and klonopin.

  9. No. Meds are harmful sometimes especially when they are not for healing you. Stretch everyday and im a couple weeks you'll be more flex able

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