
Any military spouses that have had or are having gastric bypass surgery?

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I want to get gastric bypass surgery, but we are only going to be in the military for another year or so and have heard it can take a while to get the surgery done. Do I have enough time?




  1. Possibly.  It can be hard though as you will have to be approved for it through TriCare.  The criteria are on the TriCare website, so you may want to check them to see if you will even be considered.  After that, because it is elective surgery, it is given low priority in the surgical rounds and system.  If you make the surgery, you will definitely be out before all the follow up visits are done and before you are eligable for any of the reconstructive surgery (which technically Tricare will not cover, although there are ways to get that addressed).

  2. probably not.. you must be under a doctors care to lose weight for 12 months before they will even think about putting in a referral.  and the wait list for the surgery is usually about 2 years long.  

  3. Well I personally don't recommend the gastric bypass. I have a good friend who is a general surgeon specializing in weight loss surgeries, and he was pretty much quit doing gastric bypass because of the health risk/side affects that doctors are learning now, that they didn't know when they first started the surgery.

    My mom was overweight bad, and she has tried dieting, but it never worked for her, she has been big all of her life. She had the gastric bypass 3 years ago, she now has problems with her blood sugar and blood pressure dropping, and her iron being low all the time. She also has a good friend that has had it, and she was hospitalized for three weeks just here recently because of side affects, and she had this surgery 4 years ago.

    I'm not trying to scare you, but just thought I'd share what I've seen with the gastric bypass.

  4. Yes, you have time.  I mine done last year.  From my first visit to my PCM to get a referral to the Baratric surgeon to the day of my surgery took 30 days.  That's it.  One month.  However, our base has bariatric surgeons here at our MTF.  Not all MTF's do the surgery.  First, youneed to make an appt with your PCM and ask for a referral to see a Bariatric Surgeon.  If your MTF has a surgeon at your MTF, this can take up to one week.  If you have to see an off-base surgeon, Tricare must apporve the referral first and that can take up to 30 days.  Once you see a Bariatric Surgeon, he will eveluate you.  He will ask you many long have you been trying to lose weight?  How much weight have you lost each time you have diet, how long have you stayed with each diet?  Remember you must be at least 100lbs overweight with a BMI of at least 40 to even talk to a surgeon at all.  I was NOT under a doctor's care for weight lose for a year prior to surgery.  All my surgeon required was a list of every diet I had been on , how long I was on it and how much weight I lost with each diet.  That's it.  Then you must see a nutritionist, who will go over with you the diet involved with the surgery and teach you how you must eat for the rest of your life.  Sometimes they require you to see a psychologist as well.  I didn't have to see a psychologist.   If you have a surgeon, nutritionist, and psychologist available at your MTF, it should move along fairly quickly.  If you go off-base, it could take much longer.  Our MTF has two bariatric surgeons and the waiting list is very short.

    If you have questions, please e-mail me at

    I had Gastric Bypass surgery in late Oct 2007.  I've lost 120 lbs in 9 1/2 months.  40 more to go to goal weight.  It's not been easy and it's not been fun.  But I can run, I can play with my son.  I can LIVE for the first time in a long time.  I don't have to worry abotu heart attacks, strokes.  I know I will live to see my grandchildren :0)

    EDITY:  I was looking through your questions you asked and I saw that about a year ago, you were asking pregnancy questions?  have you had a baby within the last year?  That changes EVERYTHING.  A surgeon will not touch you for  a Gastric bypass for 12-18 months after you have had a baby.  I'm sorry but there is no way you can get the bypass if you'd had a baby within the past year.  No way.

  5. It's possible, but it will be hard...especially if you are at a post that has a very backed up medical system. Not only will you have to go through the necessary medical screenings, but you also have to go through mental screenings. Trying to make all of these appointments can sometimes take a long time. I would start right away.  

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