
Any military wives go through this?

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My husband is a flying crew chief in the AF so he's gone a lot, we were married right after he joined, so a military marriage is all i know, well they just gave him orders to be an instructor at our base for the next 4 years, he will work M-F 8-4 weekend and holidays off, every military wife's dream right? well i'm nervous because he's going to be home all the time and i'm just not used to it, i kind of have my own routine because i'm so used to him being gone, this will give him time to finish his bachelors but i'm just afraid we are going to get on each others nerves since we've never had a schedule like this, we are crazy about each other but i'm afraid we will drive each other crazy, or maybe i'm just being paranoid?




  1. I am not sure I understand this question. Why would you marry someone who you cannot live with? Why would you marry someone who is going to drive you crazy( your words) just to be in his company?.Why did you marry someone who is going to get on your nerves?.In fact my question to you is, why did you marry this person at all?I would have thought that having your husband with you just as ordinary married folks do, would be the most wonderful thing. Is that not what marriage is all about? Strange question.


    I am still perplexed by your question.Marriage is all about adjustment, surely you knew that.I am assuming you are an adult.The fact that you and I might point out your husband, both have to make adjustments and if you do have this deep enduring love for each other that you claim to have, then what is the problem? you will adjust to each other and thats that.This is not the first time a couple have found themselves in this predicament.

  2. Honey, I think you should consider yourself d**n lucky.  Enjoy your time with him.  He won't drive you enjoy him while you can.

    I would give an arm and a leg to have that kind of time with my husband. My husband is gone 6 months out of the year, constant TDY's (he's a Crew Chief too but he's Special Ops)  I have my own routines to but I would change everything for more time with him..everything.

  3. its going to take some getting used to before u dont feel like hes interfering on ur life tho u should be welcoming him into it ur schedule should accomodate him tho u will probably want to spend so much time with him that your schedule will naturally change to fit around him youre just worrying everyone makes eachother crazy occassionally its part of a relationship it happens but its not the end of the world. this could actually end up being really exciting like just starting to date again remember ho wevery second was so exciting at first. who knows

  4. Totally, completely and insanely NORMAL! Everything is an adjustment in a military marriage. It is an adjustment when they first deploy, and adjustment when they get back home. Going from a sea to a shore rotation (the Navy version) was a huge change for us. The first couple of weeks were great. Then he started making me crazy. He was always there! I couldn't keep the house clean, I couldn't watch my girlie movies, I always had to let someone know "Hey, I'm running to the store" or else I'd get a call because he was worried about where I was at. It did get better, and going back to a sea rotation again we had to do a whole new adjustment. Just make sure you talk about things because otherwise your marriage will take a real hit. Good luck!

  5. i hear ya, my husband has been on midnights for almost 11 years. when his shifts get changed for training/deployments and he is home and AWAKE it takes some getting used to.  it is an adjustment.  it is true you have a military wife's dream there with those hours.  make sure you TALK ,,,that is the biggest thing, dont nag and dont yell.  he isnt accustomed to the new schedule either and might not know how your routine goes.  try and be understanding it is all new to him too. i know when my hubby got home from iraq it took some getting used to again. (kinda like being newlyweds every few months).  take it slow, maybe sit down and discuss how the schedule goes.  take comfort in having your husband home, schedule a date night, take in a movie on the weekend, REdiscover each other.  

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