
Any military wives that are moms out there???

by  |  earlier

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My husband is in the air force and is going away for training for 5 months. We have an 11 month old. Ever since we got his schedule, I have been upset, in a bad mood, and mean to my husband. Any advice on how to deal? Thanks.




  1. Hey, military GF here! My bf is Air Force, too, and now he's at training for a year. I know what you mean, sometimes the things they have to do just put so much strain on you and it's so frustrating because you can't do anything to fix the problem (can't change his orders!) I would just say keep your head high!! He depends on you and your strength more than you know, and will need it while he is gone. Hopefully the baby will keep you busy, maybe join a group of other military wives, or even just other mom's with small kids for playdates and support. You don't have to be alone : ) I wish you the best!!!

  2. It is part of your life and will keep repeating. Join him  at place of his visit if the conditions permit. Otherwise take it boldly. A soldier,s wife must be able to gather courage even to send on war. It is the simplest problem for you to manage. Good luck! You can do it.  

  3. hmmm talking about benefits, i know someone who only married this guy for her to make her a legal alien in seattle after they got married they now have a one year old son. and guess what she is not even scared about her husband going to wherever her husband will be assigned in fact i think she even prayed for her husband to be at peace. as far as i know she even asked  her husband to buy a new house and lot a bigger one eventhough they already have coz someone in her family told her that in case she wants to divorce him she can get the bigger house and some of their assets. so as to you all i can say is just pray for your husband i know that you are not the same girl as whom i talked about. cheer up!

  4. You are married to a military man and you need to accept the fact that he is going to be gone sometimes.  There isn't anything you can do about it.  His mind is geared to the military and he probably doesn't show his discomfort about going away.  He knows it is his job.  Get a grip on this lifestyle and stop taking your anger out on him before you lose him and all those wonderful benefits.  

  5. Nothing you can do right now,and what you are doing is wrong.Instead of fighting him u should use this time to make crazy love to him as often as you can,tell him how much you love him and wish thing was different,while he's away make it your responsibility to train your child and tell him that he's dad is a hero.My husband goes away every ten days and I have 4 kids,I've tried getting upset,it does not make things better.Your husband is in the army he might not come back and that's  how it is in the army,every minute you spend with him should be treated as the last.I do it,it works better than being upset about things you can't change

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