
Any mom's out there that have kids that are less than a year apart ???

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just wanna know from experience what its like taking care of children so close in age & if there less thn a year apart do they start school together ???




  1. Mine are 11 months apart.  I think in ways it can be more challenging than twins because you have one up and running while you're trying to take care of an infant.  My daughter was walking by 8 1/2 months, so in my last month of pregnancy I was chasing her too!  They're older now and get along as well as brothers and sisters often do.  They at least keep each other occupied.  Depending on the time of year they are born they could wind up in the same grade.  That didn't happen with mine.

    Good luck.

  2. not me but my mum had two less than a year apart no they started school separately and overall it seemed a good thing they are still closer than the rest of us to this day.

  3. I don't but my two nephews are 10 months apart, and due to when their birthdays are they didn't start school together, but I'll have to say mom had her hands full during the terrible 2's.  Also my husbands older brothers were born in the same year.

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