
Any more wedding reception game ideas?

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Please; no comments about not having games at our reception.

Anyway, this is a big, fun New Year's Eve reception (ceremony is private the day before.) We're having a catered dinner (mingling, not seated at tables), then a ball drop at midnight. We have two games planned so far:

~Wedding cake decorating contest

~Wedding-themed trivia contest

(both with prizes)

I'd LOVE any other ideas of involving, active games that everyone can play. Thanks in advance!!




  1. What about having a karaoke contest?  Or have a specific dance contest--like the hustle or the electric slide, or even the funky chicken?  

  2. I have a few really great games, but I'll just give you the best two i know.  Every party I played it at, people laughed sooo much and commented to me about how much fun they had playing...

    1) Basket Case Story  Game- On small pieces of paper write down two opposite feelings on each paper (naughty/nice, happy/sad, frisky/bored, beautiful/ugly, excited/sleepy, ect.) Make enough so that each of your guests will get a piece of paper, then put all the pieces into a basket.  The first person, or you, will start to tell the beginning of a story and you need to use the two feeling words within your part of the story -the story can be about anything, but it is funnier when the story sticks to one main character.  After the first person finishes telling their part of the story, then they pass the basket to the next person to grab their feeling words and continues the story where the other person left off and so on- trust me- it is Hilarious! and will be one of the funnest games you'll ever play!!  If you want you can give a prize to the most creative story teller.  

    2) Name tag game- Everyone gets a name tag with words such as bouquet, cake, ring, honeymoon, or if it is all adults you can use naughtier names or you can come up with any other theme that you want for the names- maybe holidays (easter bunny, elf, turkey, etc.) everyone is given a name tag and two paper clips (you can hang the paper clips on the name tag or they can clip it on their shirt). The object of the game is to get the most paper clips at the end of the night.  You have to call everyone by their name tag name and if you call them by their real name, you have to give them a paper clip.  I used naughty names for a bridal shower and we laghed the whole time! I also like it because even if you lose all your paper clips you can still win some back, so it is a continuous game.  Usually the quietest person wins the most paper clips.  

  3. Whenever my daddy has company over, we always play charades.  It is fun to break into teams, like boys against the girls, and we usually laugh a lot.  You see people do very silly acting with this game.  

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