
Any mortgages which give a mortgage out if you are unemplyed please?? i can pay money back if i do get one ?

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i can deffinataly pay back the money but as i have two small kids im not working therefore all the mortgaes i have tryed wont give me a mortgage can someone please help thank you i live in the uk, manchester




  1. You don't have the cash for it otherwise you wouldn't need to borrow the money. You're unemployed, you don't know how long you will be unemployed, and you don't know what your income will be when you DO find a job.

    NO reputable mortgage broker will lend you money to buy a house if you have no way of paying it back.

    You see, a JOB qualifies as PROOF that you can pay the money back. No job, no proof, no mortgage.

  2. What do you mean you don't have a job and can pay the money back?

    If you have the money, you don't need a mortgage, do you?

    It's called PAYING CASH.

    What?  You can't pay cash????

    Now you know why you need a job. Having children is not an excuse not to work.

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