
Any musicians out there....?

by Guest58619  |  earlier

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who started late?

like in teen years

i just started playing violin (i'm 14 btw) and I watned to know of others out there have started late and been succesful

what do you play?what type of musical experience do you have,such as orchestra concerts etc...

how old are you now?




  1. Hi! It does not take too long to became locally well known. I am only almost 11 and have been playing the keyboard and singing for a little under 3 years. I get jobs at restaurants, carnivals, festivals, have participated in talent shows, been in mini-contests for money, and those kind of things. I have a gig at the Blue Plum Festival in Johnson City, TN around 12:00 this Friday and all I had to do is send in a video of me singing and playing a song, sending in proof like certificates, medals, etc. , and going for an interview. Try to check out some local places that have an open mic. night and go on stage play your violin! I did not neccessarily start late, but I can say that I am successful. Keep working at what you love and keep your faith!!


  2. hey -- it's great that you're starting out.

    i'm 29, and picked up the guitar in college. i then taught myself the bass, then the drums. i've been playing gigs in NYC ever since.

    don't worry! you're still really young. i have lots of friends (and bandmates) who started in college, too.

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