
Any natural headache remedys that work for you?

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I don't want to always take tylenol or any medication.

are there natural ways that work for you in relieving headaches?




  1. I'm late. Hope your headache is gone by now.

    The one thing that almost always works for me is to put a heating pad on the back of my neck and an ice pack on my forehead/top of my head. Supposedly, this expands the blood vessels where the blood leaves the head and shrinks the vessels in the head and relieves the pressure.

    If you have someone that can give you a face, scalp and neck massage, try that.

    At times, I boil some water on the stove and add a tiny drop of tea tree oil, peppermint oil, or camphor oil. Then I make a towel tent over my head and breathe the steam in, blowing my nose frequently.

    Sometimes I apply tea tree oil to my forehead and temples in conjunction with one of the other methods.

    Try some Icy Hot or similar on the back of the neck and shoulders.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I apply youngliving's natural peppermint oil on the tips of my nostrils and on my forehead and my headache disappears in no time. I will warn you though, put very little if you do use it or it will burn big time. It's all natural though ( & a bit pricy). You can order it online at

  3. Depending on the type of headache there are a number of natural ways to reduce or eliminate the pain.  For example, for me, many headaches can be cured with a can of coke, which makes sense considering that most OTC pain relievers contain caffeine.  I know that coke isn't that good for you, but if you're on the run this can be a viable solution.  If you have the time, a nap in a quiet dark room works wonders.  Lastly, and you may think I'm making this up, s*x or masturbation can help a lot.  When a person has an o****m the brain releases massive amounts of endorphins which reduce pain in the body.  Oh, one last solution that works for tension headaches is a gentle massage of the shoulders and neck.

  4. For sure you are not drinking enough water.

    You should not only drink water. But, should drink "Quality Water" i.e. "Alkaline Ionic Water".

    This is what we call - "Drinking Water Management";

    First, when you wake up, first thing you must do is to drink 2 glass (one = 250cc) of water straight down.  May be 10 to 15 minutes apart.

    Relax, and take your breakfast.  

    After breakfast, "DO NOT" drink water fast down, just drink slowly mouth by mouth over 1 hour for a glass of 250cc.

    This process is to let your body cells to have a chance to absorb the water.

    By drinking in this manner, very sure that you will drink water of more than 2000cc to 2500cc of water through the whole day.

    For sure you will help yourself to relive your headaches and improving your health.



    Healthy Living


  5. After breakfast, "DO NOT" drink water fast down, just drink slowly mouth by mouth over 1 hour for a glass of 250cc.

  6. Milk, seriously. I have migraine syndrome too. Drink a full glass of milk and go relax in a cool, dark room with the breeze of a fan and no light or sounds like people or tv. Do this with a comfortable pillow under your neck and a moist, cold, washcloth folded on your forehead. I go through this many times a week, my only other option is to start shots for it at home. Mine make me nauseated too, so I have a hard time trying to keep pills down, so many times I don't take anything for the pain, this is how I get over it. If I'm not sick to my stomach though, I take a few ibuprofen. You can take up to 4 of them every 6 hours, and 2 tylonel every 4 hours in between if needed and your stomach is settled enough to hold them down, which I always can't. But try the milk, fan and that, that I said, sure helps me and our son is almost 13, he also suffers these and it also helps him too. They say to keep away from caffiene! Well, caffeine HELPS us many times. for me, coffee, for my son, a cold pepsi. try the milk first, if that doesn't ease it after 30 minutes, then opt for a cup of coffee or a cold pepsi or coke, but still relax with the cold washcloth on your forehead until it passes. Good luck and I hope you get feeling better soon, I very well know the misery.

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