I am currently doing 'monovision' with one eye for reading, one for long distance. I like this very well. In last three years I am having to use a rubber plunger to remove my contacts from my eyes. My eyes hurt. I wish they'd finally develop some soft contacts for people like me. Does anyone know about this?
Also, what about eye health concerns for the over 50 hard contact lense crowd? I talked to one eye doctor and he said within 10 years I won't even be able to find a helpful doctor as hard contacts will be phased out as 'dangerous' to the eyes so the younger doctorts don't even learn about them. Darn. I love my hard contacts, even with the slight pain. And yes, I have them checked, refitted, etc. regularly. When I wear glasses they are so stong I feel like I'm living in a fish bowl. My eyesight is terrible in my glasses. Thanks for any and all leads.