
Any news if eBay will change their new feedback policy back?

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Any news if eBay will change their new feedback policy back?




  1. I doubt it - ebay has its reasons for this change in feedback policy. They're hoping to encourage more people to buy on ebay by giving buyers more protection from bad sellers, rather than giving sellers protection from bad buyers. And really, it makes sense. As a seller, there isn't really anything you can do to avoid dealing with difficult buyers. Sure, you could spend your time reading the feedback of every person that bids on your auction, and you can cancel bids - but few buyers I know actually do this. Plus, so many items sell with last minute bids, and there's little sellers can do about that. At least if feedabck is only one way, bad sellers will quickly be weeded out, and people will generally be more confident about purchasing on ebay - which will mean more business for good sellers, and more good sellers expanding their businesses. All those sellers who are threatening leaving ebay have the wrong attitude, and I really don't think the community will lose much with their departures. I'd rather have less sellers who are high quality, than more grouchy, surly sellers.

    That's my two cents.

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