
Any news on Hall Of Famer Carl Yaztremski Who went to the hospital for chest pains today?

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Hopefully he will be ok.




  1. He is having heart bypass surgery

  2. Yes, the news is he went in the hospital for chest pains today.

  3. He is going to undergo heart bypass surgery as he has a blockage in a main artery. Heart surgery is always a very serious matter; I will keep Yaz in my prayers and hope he will be OK.

  4. I wish Yaz and his family all the best.

  5. I didn't hear that...

    I hope he's all right.

    By the way, I like the fat cat.  It's cute.  I think I liked the squirrel better, but I think that's just because I was used to the squirrel. =)

    I'm glad you're back. ;-D

  6. Bypass surgery for blockage.  Heart surgery has come a long way, and he always seemed to be healthy before, but he's about to turn 69, so this could be dicey.

    Also scary for Sox fans: Josh Beckett will miss his next start due to "tingling in his arm." That's scary because it's one of the symptoms of a heart attack, and Beckett's only 28.  Even if it's just an ordinary pitching problem, losing him for any starts could be trouble.

  7. Prayers for Yaz.  Hadn't heard this.

  8. No new news yet.

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