
Any news on the celebrity wedding of Wayne and Coleen?

by  |  earlier

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ie, was it shown on tv, who were guests, or what was the style like




  1. who cares

  2. All I know is it supposedly cost 5 million.

  3. It pissed down, he should have paid more homage to the rain god.

  4. myself  i coudnt  give a  ****  wayne who ?

  5. no i dont really care


  6. Certainly you mean "The Chavs Outing" what a pair of nonentities !

  7. i dont know but i heard it costs ALOT!

    my stepdads best mate is heading the security for the wedding and being coleens body guard!!!

    and westlife and p diddy are singing at the reception

  8. Happily I have no idea and even less interest!

  9. I heard that it was in italy and that a certain magazine had a special deal with them...........Can't remember which magazine though! lol

  10. I'm willing to bet that it was expensive !!.....and that half the guests were overpaid football primadonnas.

  11. Who cares.  They have more money than sense.  Its disgusting that they waste millions like this when there are children dying of starvation in this world.

    Pointless people with too much money.   They'll probably be divorced in about five minutes anyway.

  12. I haven't heard anything but They had a party on a boat worth 40 million. It will be in heat or something like that. Watch LK today tommorow morning as well or just buy the paper.

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