
Any non expensive homeschooling programs for highschool?

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I've gone through a lot of websites and some are less pricey than others, but any suggestions?

I went to k12 but it's expensive around six thousand, I live in south Texas.

Also I was wondering if my parents have to obtain a High School diploma in order for me to be home schooled?




  1. It sounds like for your state, K12 is not free. So you may have to put together your own program.

    For math try . As a homeschooler, you can try their program for free for 30 days. Try it now so you can see if it's a good fit. You will spend from 15-45 minutes a day on math.

    For writing try

    Level A would work for you. It is a complete one year course. You will need minimal help from your parents. It's all on DVD for you to watch. I highly recommend it. My sons both took college classes while in high school and scored high after using this program.

    For History choose one of  history programs. You can so this mostly on your own and the whole year's reading and assignment are laid out for you. There are lots to choose from.

    Now just fill in some electives like Rosetta Stone foreign language, an art class and pe class and you are set.

    All of the curriculum is a bit expensive but all of it can be sold when you are done for about 75% of what you paid for it so it ends up being much less than $6000.

    Warm Regards,



    I don't see anywhere concerning parent's education level.

    We homeschool cheaply by creating our own curriculum.  Used book stores, library,  and internet are our main resources.  

    I write out the lesson plans/ agenda each week.    I write out long term goals but keep the actual plan limited to short term so we can have the freedom to take longer on things of interest and even stray onto other subjects of interest.

    I  use  the agenda book  to  write out the transcript of things accomplished .   I do this several times during the year to encourage and to see weak areas that need attention.

    We, my son and I, are both learning.     We have discussions regularly about things that he is studying.

  3. Lots of homeschoolers choose American School of Correspondence for high school.  I think it's like $1200 or something for ALL 4 years.  Really cheap, anyway.

    Lots of homeschoolers have managed a high school education with just a math book (well, okay, one for Alg 1, one for Alg 2, one for Geometry, or whichever courses you decide on), and a notebook and a library card.  You can look up the World Book Encyclopedia  "typical course of study" online and design your own courses from that using library and internet resources.  You can also look up online the Texas requirements for each high school course you want.  Lots of work, but VERY inexpensive!

    Good Luck!

  4. As a homeschoolers you can make your own curriculum!  For history, you could read biographies and then write essays about what you read, for english, just write, write, write!  Everyday.  And make yourself write at least one paper/essay each week.  A library card is a must!

    Another option would be classes through a homeschool co op.

    Depending on your grade/age you could simply start taking gen. ed. classes at a community college nearby.  That way you will have college experience under your belt before you head off to college officially.

    I was basically in charge of my schooling during high school.  I took some writing workshops taught by other homeschool parents, took classes at the community college, used Saxon for math, and was involved in volunteering, youth orchestra, dance, church, politics, choir, and many other things.  You can definitely have a great experience homechooling without much money.

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