
Any not so famous songs that are good?

by Guest66226  |  earlier

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i know there are some good ones like i never knew about colbie collat till my friend showed me the song and what about some of those songs from commercials and movies i dont know what theyre called anyone wanna pop some up here please , thanks




  1. "Survivor" by Angunn

    Anything by Katie Melua, she is awesome!

    "Lovertits" by Feist

  2. My favorite songs that most people never hear about are

    Maria Mena-Just hold me


  3. Jonathon Coulton Thing a Week Re:your Brains.

    Many funny songs on the Mad Music Archives

    Indie rock UC Radio not child safe

    Many of the songs from albums that were not hits were still good

  4. "Nothing As It Seems" by Pearl Jam

    "Love Hate Love" by Alice In Chains

    "Followed The Waves" by Melissa Auf Der Maur

    "Mr Jack" by System Of A Down

    "4th Of July" by Soundgarden

    "The Grudge" by Tool

    "Piggy" by Nine Inch Nails

  5. fireball 1971

    strange kind of woman 1971

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