
Any of u been pregnant and got a Positive OPK, but Negative HPT?!?!?!?

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i have gotten positive OPK's now for FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT. and i've taken two per day at different times. all of them were very dark and showed up immediately. they're DEFINITELY positive. and i'm 5 or 6 days away from my period.

some people have told me that i could be pregnant possibly. but i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. i've been trying though.

so i guess my question is, if i was pregnant, could i get a positive opk this soon and a negative pregnancy test???

do you have any stories or know anything about this???




  1. If you're still 5 or 6 days away from your period it's not likely you get a positive hpt even if you are pregnant, try waiting a two or three days (5 or  would be better) then take another hpt, it will be more accurate then.

  2. Just because you ovulate doesn't mean you will get pregnant.  I think the statistical percentage is something like a 20% chance.

    Most pregnancy tests will not detect the HCG until your missed period.

    I would wait and test again if you miss your period.

  3. it may be too for the hpt test too tell wait a couple days a test again

  4. when I was about 3 days away from getting AF I took a OPK it came up negative then I took a HPT with the same urine and it was positive. so i wouldnt go by what those things are saying.  

  5. it's important to note that OPK's work differently than HPT's. A pregnancy test will develop 2 lines only if hCG (pregnancy hormone) is detected. Thus, "a line is a line" when determining a positive HPT. OPK's work differently. An OPK has a "control" line and a "test" line, just like an HPT. Unlike an HPT, however, the mere presence of a "test" line does not mean the test is positive. The test line must be as dark as, or darker than, the control line to be a positive result (meaning that a surge was detected, rather than the ordinary amount of LH usually found in your urine every day.)

    This means that there is already some ambiguity involved in reading an OPK's results. Sometimes the line is almost as dark as the control line, but perhaps not quite as dark. Sometimes only the edge turns dark, or the top half of the line is darker than the bottom.

    Additionally, OPK's are not as sensitive as a lot of HPT's are. This means that, if pregnant, you are likely to get a positive HPT earlier than you would get a positive OPK.

  6. no

  7. okay i had the same problem i took 6 pregnancy tests and they were positive and negative. i knew that i was pregnant and even took a blood test and it came out neg. wait another week it is possible that your body has not produced enough of the hormones yet and all women are different those home pregnancy tests don't always work like they should depending on the person. as for my negative blood test that i took at planned parenthood they had no explanation for it being neg when in fact i was. i pray that all goes well for you because after passing all those negative and a few positive i ended up losing the baby. so also check for possible miscarriage. but the great thing was that i got pregnant immediately after and am due at the end of oct. i hope all goes well for you. good luck.

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