
Any of you crash and get hurt?

by Guest57464  |  earlier

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tell me about it.




  1. did a high-side and body slammed by my bike ,fractured ankle and got a few new scars on my knee from the cylinder fins when the bike landing on top of me .

    oh yeah you got to love to ride

  2. on my dirtbike.. WAYYYYY to many times to count. i was a, but not yet on my street bike

  3. Fell just once, but I was lucky....not injured.

  4. who doesnt crash and burn at least once in their motorcycle career? its called learning. my first crash was at age 8 when i was riding my uncles '87 LT250 quad sport with too many features to list, this bike was way out of my league for 8 but i tried it anyway. i popped the clutch and careened forward into a ditch and got thrown off, good times.

  5. not yet - it's the bends that get you

  6. I've gone off road unexpectedly back when i was 17...

    i go launched into the mud of this dude's front yard, and my bike did a number of somersaults (not exactly sure how many, but i heard around 8)

    i fixed the bike, and rode it another season, then sold it to my dad...

  7. holy shat you asked alot of questions....

    broke my collar bone on a dirt bike as a kid.... offroad, where stunting and racing belong

  8. crashed a lot, got ran down a lot.

    Only got hurt twice. once got ran down by a drunk in a pickup, and the other was a front tire blow out on the track at 135.

    Most of the time, I'm fast enough not to get hurt.

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