
Any of you guys play Go?

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The board game, board looks like this...

so, anyone play?




  1. Yes, a wonderful game.  It takes minutes to explain, but decades to master.  My suggestion is to use a smaller board first to get a grasp of the strategies involved.

    BTW:  It's not like Pente.  It's like saying checkers is like chess because it uses the same board.  I'm not demeaning the game, I also play, and love, Pente and Othello and play it on the same board.

    Also, it's does not have a Japanese origin.  It's Chinese, but Japanese made it popular.

  2. I played a couple times with my friends, but it really wasn't all that serious. We played for fun! Anyways, I am pretty good at capturing pieces but not so great at creating an area of the board that I can hold onto for territory.

    We used to play on 9x9 boards I believe it was, the smallest type of board.

  3. i play, pretty fun, but takes alot fo time to\play a full game and itll be 2 hours into the game before you know it

    p.s.-for sme reason yahoo wont let me contact you via email, but ive eben playing magic for quuite a few years no and i ahte typical decks such as blue/white control (especially) green tanks and red aggro, i liek to build decksa not alot of peopl esee and am pretty good at it (in my opinion anyway, lol) ive won plenty of matches but i am building a red control deck, been in the process for a couple weeks nw and am just wondering if there are anymroe card si could use to build my deck with to tie up any loose ends, ive already got most of it finished, and its really kind of a "rebellion"(as nerdy as that sounds) to typical control decks becaus ei hate them that much, theres somethign about lack of originality that just annoys me

    you can contact me at or my aim address gideon16 if you evevr want to talk magic, itd be nice to discuss strategy and such with other pepel besiddes the 40 yeard old fat smelly lard asses at the card shop

  4. I have a go-ban (board) and ishi(stones) but have no one to play with. It's been a while, but I'd play again if I had the chance. Kind of intriguing once you get the hang of it.

    It's an ancient Japanese game, used for learning strategy and patience, primarily for warfare.

    The masters in Japan, the really good ones, are able to recall, move by move, the entire game once it has been completed.

  5. I do play, but only live. I taught my son, and he beats me everytime now.

    But play on Kiseido Go Server. There are plenty of players, on all levels. Site is:

  6. Here is the best series of books to give an understandable explanation to beginners:

    You can download free software to try the game.  There is a program called   Igowin.   It has an explanation of how to play.

    The British Go society puts out a very good short document that you can download to understand how the game works.

  7. If you like Go try Pente!

  8. Yes, I play often on DragonGo server at

    I only play for fun, I find it to be a very relaxing and calming game to play. In Chinese the game is called Weiqi, Koreans call the game Baduk.

  9. I've never played, but I know of the game. I guess it was invented by a Chinese warlord to teach his sons strategy and how to think like warriors.

    I also have read a collection of books called Chung Kuo by David Wingrove it which the game has a pretty prominent role and is played by a few characters.

    Here's an historical article about it. Enjoy

  10. i have played, long long ago. i usually just play pente now its a lot quicker game. same board same idea, only neeed to get 5 in a row or capture 5 pairs

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