
Any of you had a geopathic survey of your house?

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Apparently it works wonders.




  1. No, that sounds like pure claptrap to me. It's associated with the mysticism of ley lines which is nothing more than subjective pattern formation, typical New Age "energy" talk, and power of suggestion. There is no empirical evidence for any kind of special "energy" associated with ley lines.

    On the plus side, is only charging $20 a pop for their claptrap. If someone actually believes in that stuff and it gives them peace of mind, then maybe the $20 is worth it to them.

    Quote from

    "The Geo Group believes there is a connection between geopathic conditions and health, but because we have no medical or scientific proof, no claims are made about the results of geopathic evaluations."

    Nice escape clause!

    EDIT: LOL, what a compelling testimonial!  Yes, I'm sure nothing else influenced these young fellows' behavior :)  Thanks for the fun question. I love quack web sites like these.

  2. It does, more important is to check geopathy before building a new home.

    It is a nice way to know your land and live peacefully above it, if you know where the bad spots are, you know how to organize your home and you can use the good spots to enhance your home's energy

  3. Is there someone in your family who seems hyper, cranky or moody for no apparent reason?

    Is there a place in your home or office that just doesn't feel right? Or that feels scary, or even evil?

    Are you moving into a new space that doesn't feel right or that you want to make sure is totally clear?

    Do you know of a house for sale that has an odd feeling and won't sell?

    Do you feel like energy is being drained from you?

    Do you ever feel someone or something is watching you--even though there's no one around?

    Are there ghosts in your home or place of work?

    Do you feel unproductive or lacking energy?

    Is there someone in your family with a disease or a history of illness?

    Those are also indications of high EMF (electro magnetic field) energy.

    As in, electrical wiring that is not insulated.

    This is also called a fear cage.

    How would a dowsing rod "know" the difference between water lines, ghosts, or malevolent beings?

    It doesn't.

    And since these organizations can't guarantee their work, that alone should tell you they are a scam.

  4. This sounds interesting. Thanks for the information. I wonder if this is something new. I can't imagine anyone making a living doing it. Maybe realtors should look into this.It would be an added bonus when trying to sell a house. Here's another link.

  5. Ha!  That's a new brand of cuckoo I've never come across.  I don't know why I am still surprised by the wackiness some crackpots go through the trouble of creating.

    I would *love* to observe these guys at work, but I don't think I could act straight for that long.

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