
Any of you have experience in Water4Gas system?

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I need to know is there a low cost hydrogen gas fuel car in the roads




  1. this is an efficient transfer system. that of transferring your money into someone else's pocket. dont fall for this garbage.

  2. NOT that I know of.

  3. It's a con, at best you'll get back 20% of the energy. Yes I can prove and will show you the math if you wish, post an edit. But it's a con and not even a good one at that.

  4. The Water 4 Gas thing uses on-board electrolysis to make a small amount of hydrogen gas - its not a hydrogen-only car.   That gas plus regular gasoline is what fuels your car.  

    There have been some laboratory studies that show that this gas mixture can indeed burn more efficiently (at certain engine conditions) than straight gasoline - if you basically completely redesign your car to take this new mix.   But between the cost to electolyze the gasoline, and the fact that the efficiency gain only happens when the car is idling, and a bunch of other factors, the whole strategy just doesn't make much sense.

    In fact, the most telling sign is that this system hasn't been widely adopoted by now.  And conspiracy theories aside, if the automotive manufacturers could increase car fuel efficiency by adding some cheap little electrolysis system, don't you think that they would have done it by now?  

    None of this addresses a hydrogen (fuel cell?) car, however.   That is another thing completely.  The key issue with a hydrogen car is how you get the hydrogen (since its made from fossil fuels today).

  5. They are scams.  Do not waste your money.

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