
Any of you out there who consider yourself 'flexitarian' or 'flex vegan'?

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If so, why do you use this term to describe yourself, it doesn't make sense to me, if you eat *some* meat, you're not a vegetarian, and if you don't abstain from animal products you're not vegan.

Explain please as I am confused?




  1. I agree...still they can exist...but maybe because they adopt vegetarian diet for health reasons not for the moral/ philosophical ones.

    I know that many persons eliminate beef. pork, lamb, eggs from their diet because they believe that will improve their overall health, but they do consume fish and seafood....

    Fundamentally they are not vegetarians

  2. Well, I'm under the impression that flexitarians are people who withstand from eating meat for long periods of time - months at a time. So you switch from a vegetarian diet to a non-vegetarian diet frequently.

    I was a "flexitarian". (I don't eat meat now) I didn't call myself that but I actively tried eat very little meat - maybe once a month I would eat chicken. I think it is good for people to actively limit their meat consumption. And I think it's good for the society to try to support an inbetween diet. Quite honestly, I feel that America is polarized. The social view is either you eat meat at every meal every day or you are a vegetarian. Quite honestly, I don't think that view is good for anyone.

  3. ive never heard of that, but it sounds hypocrital

  4. that is stupid.

    it pisses me off!

    people cannot call themselves a vegetarian if they eat meat.

    thats the point of a VEGetarian.

  5. No such thing as a flexitarian or flexi vegan.

    ''Flexitarian'' doesn't make sense because it's a word coined by people who are desperately seeking a label.

    They are called ''omnivores''. They are not vegetarians.

  6. Flexatarian is when you only eat animals with 2legs. Flex Vegan doesn't exsist:P But if you ask me they are both very stupid:P

  7. I agree that there is no such thing as a flexitarian.  You are either a vegetarian or not a vegetarian.  I myself am a pescatarian, which means I eat fish but no other type of meat.  I won't even call myself a vegetarian, so I don't see how someone can eat a d**n steak and still call themselves a veg.  It is just ridiculous!

  8. They're just a walking contradiction.

  9. Flexitarian is someone who likes to flex his/her muscles!!!


  10. We all seem so judgmental. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian. It's just a label. My husband, I have affectionately labeled a flexitarian. He certainly doesn't claim to be a vegetarian, he never, ever eats read meat. Rarely, however, he'll eat poultry and fish. I think for many flexitarians, it's a stage. It's that limbo period between being full-out carnivore to, eventually, vegetarian. It takes some of us longer to give up things that we were raised on, even though we know they are wrong.   ...give "flexitarians" a break, at least they're trying!

  11. I never saw that term before, ever, lol. But I know people who are vegan, vegetarian.....and then there's my dad, who had heart prob's that were caught early and his doc suggested vegetarian diet as an alternative to medicine. He was a huge bacon sausage eater, but didn't want med's, so he changed his lifestyle (for the most part), ate some veggie burgers, etc, but mostly improved his diet AND added excercise.

    He did so well, cholesterol was way down -  after a yr. his doctor said he could add some meat (fish, chicken) if he still craved, he did and soon was back to bacon...2 yrs later had quadruple bi-pass and is now on meds. Not that he could have avoided it, but longer you can feel healthy, the better.

    Maybe a flexitarian is someone who is really trying to be a vegetarian, but just can't quite get there.

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