
Any of you think zeke deserves to be in the WWE championship than The Brian Kendrick?

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is that suppose to be funny joker?

If it was, sorry i forgot to laugh (-_-)




  1. hey rocky i think youre right zeke looks like a worthy champion though kendrick seems to have more mic skills

  2. About a month ago i put out a question saying that i think Ezekiel Jackson will betray Kendrick and become a WWE Superstar. So I %100 tottally agree with you on that one. In the last couple of matches for Kendrick, Ezeckiel has showed he wrestling moves of at the end of the match.

    Here is the question i did a month ago:;...

    I also think Alishi a Fox will become a diva. Ezikiel Jackson should be in the scramble instead of Kendrick.

  3. Yeah, Zeke is really underrated. He has a lot of talent and mic skills but the only question is-


    EDiT- Don't worry brother, I know how much good my jokes are, you are not the only 1 who forget to laugh.

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