
Any of your Housewife/Househusbands?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me about it please.

I will be a housewife in a week. I gave my notice at work due to having a drive of 50miles ONE way to work. We've been married 2 months and decided it would be better to quit and hopefully find something in a month or 2. He makes more then enough to support us both.

I do work part time and can ALWAYS pick up any extra hours i want there.

I should be ok for a week...but I'm nervous about being bored. We have no kids, i plan on cleaning, cooking, reading, quilting/sewing and other house hold work.

How long have you been?

Any TIps?

Thanks. :)




  1. Hmmmm, I stay at home at the moment, but have 2 kids which doesn't give you time to get bored.  If you already have part time work with the option of extra hours I'd go really hard on all those projects you haven't had time to do.  Just treat it as an opportunity to focus on somethng different, you'll know soon enough if you want to pick up those extra hours or not!

  2. It gets boring at times, but you have to find things to do. I sew, knit, and craft. IMO, it beats having a boss!

  3. I got laid off before the Holidays.  It's easy to get into a funk.  I still do loan signings for people because I'm a Notary but it's not enough to keep me very busy.  BTW I was driving 65 miles each way so I get it.  I think the best thing you can do is to come up with a schedule.  It's so easy to put things off until tomorrow because you know you'll be here anyway.  Also make sure to keep active & don't get TOO into cooking.  I LOVE to cook & sadly I've gone from a hottie to slightly porky since I got laid off.  If I had only used my mornings to hit the gym . . . BLAH!

  4. been a housewife for 3 months, there are times when i love it, but most of the times, it drives me CRAZYYYYYYYYYY.. well mostly because he doesnt let me go anywhere by myself.. he would take me out.. but cant leave the house when hes not home.. i cant even see my PARENTSSSS

  5. Believe me, you won`t be bored.  You always find something to do besides doing laundry, dusting, vacuuming, moping, cooking, organizing closets, drawers, pantry, grocery shopping, gardening, etc.  You can always come up with "little projects" to make some improvements to your home, like painting some walls different colors, rearranging furniture, even sanding and staining some of your old furniture, making new curtains, finding all those old pictures and start "scrap-booking", etc.  Don`t forget YOU... you`ll have time now for yourself, also.  Exercise, get manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, get a tan, etc.  You`ll start wondering how you did all this while you were working...

  6. I have been a housewife for 17+yrs and we have lived in the same small apartment the whole time and its so small that i dont have much to do at all so when im done with the housework i either read,watch tv or go online and i dont get bored but i do get lonely.

  7. I have been a housewife for 6 months, since  having my daughter. It does get boring, but I have the baby to keep me busy. And I am joining play groups since she is getting bigger. And I am selling Avon part time too to keep busy.

  8. Your plan sounds great!!! I've been one for 14+ years.I'm Fortunate to be able to. Go to for some encouragement and guidance..I did.Don't forget to bake...the house smells so good when hubby walks in.

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