
Any one been toFusion casting conference?!!!?

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okay, i am going to a fusion casting conference interview a weekend from now and i was wondering wat they interview u about if anyone has ever been to Fuison casting conference?!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????




  1. Wait are you goin' to the one where you've already been selected or where you go to BE selected?

    If you're going to where you be selected: Relax! They ask you what kinda experience you have and there's a whole lecture before the interview about scams and how people can get discovered,etc.

    If you've been selected: You go in front of 20 agents (individually) and perform a 30 second monologue. If they like you, they'll ask questions, if not they say what you did wrong.

    RELAX and don't be scared! I'm goin' on August 16th, wish me luck!

  2. Don't do it!

    This company sounds exactly like PMAA, which is a company that stole a lot of money from me and my family!

    They have all the same agents there, and the bios on the agents are WORD FOR WORD the same as PMAA.

    PMAA did this all over. in Tampa, Seattle, and Albuquerque! I think they are the same people. if not they are definitely the same agents, which is a bad sign. Look up info on PMAA and see it this sounds like them.

    Please don't do it!

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