
Any one can give a valid scientific reason for planets are not colliding with the sun?

by Guest45164  |  earlier

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Any one can give a valid scientific reason for planets are not colliding with the sun and moon not revolving around sun?

I want a total explanation for this.




  1. the gravitational force holds them in their own orbits

  2. it is like below :

    hit the planets with bat and they'll move to the path u like...................................


  3. its called gravity, the larger the mass of the object the stronger its gravity. the sun is obviously the largest spherical object in our solar system so it pulls in the planets at a certain distance and leaves a remainder of space between each other, that's one of the mysteries about the force of gravity, just as the earths gravity pulls the moon in at a certain distance.

  4. They are orbiting sun. That means they are just the right distance and travel at just the right speed to not go closer.

    The moon is only orbiting Earth, because it is much closer to us than to the sun.

    Centrifugal and centripetal forces are strong, my apprentice.

  5. the planets orbit the sun, but don't colide with the sun for one simple reason: inertia.

    inertia is the tenedency of an object to resist motion. the more mass, the more inertia. asteroids, with little mass, and thus little inertia, are sucked into the sun, and destroyed, becuase there inertia can't stop the gravitational pull of the sun to pull it into its core (also known as centripital force). so asteroids are being sucked in because they have little mass. earth on the other hand, like all other planets, have a lot of mass. thus they have a lot of inertia. planets don't want to fall into the sun, so they orbit around it. the funny thing is, the planets think they are going in a straight line. the fundemental law of distance and travel is that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. but in this case. the shortest distance between the starting point, and the ending point of the orbit can be reached fastest in a circular obirt, using the sun as the center.

    so just remember this:

    more mass = more gravity

    more mass = more inertia

    inertia = object's tendency to resist motion

    gravity is a pulling force, but in some cases, the inertia of an object is too great for the gravity to completely pull the object in, so as a result it is put into rbit.

    as for the moon, the moon isn't revolving around the sun because at the moon's position, the gravitational force between the earth and the moon is greater than that of the gravitational attraction between the moon and the sun.

    we can prove this by using newton's law of universal gravitation.

    F = Gm(1)m(2)/r^2

    F = gravitational attraction between two objects

    G = gravitational constant (6.6726 N per square unit of mass)

    m(1) = mass of object 1

    m(2) = mass of object 2

    r = distance between object 1 and object 2

    the "r" is the key part in your question. the greater the distance, the greater the gravity of m(1) and m(2) are divided. thus, the less gravitational attraction as the distance increases.

    so lets prove what i said with this formula.

    lets identify the variables for the gravitational attraction between the moon and the sun.

    F = gravitational attraction between moon and sun

    G = 6.6726 x 10^-11

    m(1) = mass of sun (198892000000000000000000000000 kg)

    m(2) = mass of moon (73600000000000000000000 kg)

    r = 150,000,000 kilometers


    F = 6.6726 x 10^-11 x (198892000000000000000000000000) (73600000000000000000000) / 150000000^2

    get a calculator, and the force you get is,

    4.34117908787 x 10^25

    in other words, the gravitational attraction between the moon and the sun is:

    4341179087870000000000000 N

    now lets calculate for the earth and the moon.

    lets identify the variables for the gravitational attraction between the moon and the sun.

    F = gravitational attraction between moon and earth

    G = 6.6726 x 10^-11

    m(1) = mass of earth(5974200000000000000000000 kg)

    m(2) = mass of moon (73600000000000000000000 kg)

    r = 385000 kilometers

    calculate, and you get: 1.97938923482E+26

    197938923482000000000000000 N gravitational pull between earth and moon

    sun = 4341179087870000000000000 N

    ert = 197938923482000000000000000 N

    earth's gravitational pu;; is greater. Q.E.D, thus it is proven.

  6. Total Explanation:

    The Sun is massive and has the greatest gravity in the solar system. Due to it's incredible gravity it creates a dip in the gravitational plane below it. This dip makes a sort of bowl shape underneath the sun. Comparitive to placing a bowling ball on a trampoline.

    Sling a marble towards the bowling ball on the trampoline and the marble will begin the spin around the bowling ball until it eventually collides with it. The only difference between that example and the planets around the sun is this:

    When the planets move around the sun, the planets use their own mass and gravity to literally sling around the sun; they're exerting force away from the sun as they sling, this keeps them from falling and keeps enough momentum to sustain an orbit.

  7. my guess is the spin (i've never had a physics class)

  8. Gravity and inertia.

    Gravity pulls them in, and inertia throws them out.  If you balance gravity and inertia, you get an orbit.

    Go here

    That will show you how an orbit works.  It's exactly the same thing for the moon orbiting earth, the earth orbiting the sun, and the sun orbiting the center of the galaxy.

    I'm not sure what more you want for an explanation.  F = (G*m1*m2)/r^2 defines the gravitational force on an object due to another object, if 'r' is the distance then you can see that the greater the distance the less the force.  So you can take an object like a planet traveling a given speed, and find the distance needed to get just the right gravitational force that will give you a curve around the sun and have a stable orbit.

  9. every mass in the universe has a gravitational field the moon orbits the earth because of its gravitational pull the orbit is defined by the gravitational pull and the pull of other objects in the Galaxy there are other gravitational fields defining the orbit of everything pulling and pushing

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